15 August 2020

At the Beach - Am Strand


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Erlebnis am Strand


Heute habe ich eine wunderbare Szene beobachten können, die ich so nicht erwartet hatte und die mich ein wenig überrascht hat. So etwas passiert eigentlich häufig und man beobachtet öfters zufällige Videos auf Youtube, die diese Szenen abbilden. Es ist schade, dass ich in dem Moment mein Smartphone nicht zur Hand hatte, um die Szene zu filmen. Wobei dies wäre sehr auffällig gewesen, zumal ich mich in der Öffentlichkeit aufgehalten habe. Folgendes hat sich zugetragen:


Ich befinde mich gerade im Urlaub am Meer, bei angenehmen 30 Grad Celsius. Ich bin zum Camping hier und genieße die freie Zeit. Um mich herum sind ebenfalls viele Urlauber, oft auch Familien mit Kindern oder Jugendlichen. Aber ab 12 Uhr Mittag wird es relativ heiß und man hält es kaum noch in der Sonne aus, auch nicht am Strand, wo immer ein wenig kühle Luft weht. Gleich am Strandeingang des Campingplatzes, welcher sozusagen direkt am Meer liegt, befindet sich eine kleine Bar oder Lounge, mit großen Sonnenschirmen und Plastikstühlen, auf denen man im Schatten verweilen und einen Kaffee oder ein kühles Getränk zu sich nehmen kann. Dorthin begab ich mich und bestellte mir einen Cappuccino und ein Stück Kuchen. Um mich herum waren auch einige andere Gäste, wobei man erwähnen sollte, dass diese direkt eine Terrasse auf dem Sand hat, so dass es weiterhin nur wenige Schritte bis zum Strand bzw. den Liegen und Handtüchern ist. Aber auf der Terrasse war auch eine Familie mit drei Kindern, zwei Mädchen und ein Junge, wobei ich nicht weiß ob das größere Mädchen nicht sogar nur eine Freundin der anderen beiden waren. Die beiden Geschwister auf jeden Fall kommen aus Irland oder Wales, zumindest ihrer sehr hellen Hautfarbe und den roten Haaren zufolge und sie sprachen englisch. Während ich meinen Cappuccino und mein Kuchen genoss, beobachtete ich die beiden ein wenig, die laut schwatzend herumalberten und sich ein wenig stritten. Ich schätze sie auf 13 bis maximal 15 Jahre, was nicht ganz eindeutig abzuschätzen war. Das größere Mädchen könnte schon 16 oder 17 Jahre alt gewesen sein und hatte braunes langes Haar, deswegen ich vermutete ich, dass sie nicht zur Familie dazu gehörte. Das jüngere Mädchen trug einen blauen Bikini und war ansonsten schlank und man konnte bereits erkennen, dass ihr kleinere Brüste wuchsen. Daher schätze ich sie auf ca. 13 bis 14 Jahre. Ihr Bruder war knapp einen Kopf größer als sie und trug, eigentlich untypisch für die heutige Generation, eine enganliegende Badehose im Boxershorts-Stil. Hier zeichnete sich im vorderen Bereich eine gut sichtbare und wohl proportionierte Ausbeulung ab, die recht deutlich einen kürzeren aber leicht dicken Penis und darunter liegend zwei wohlgeformte größere Hoden in ihren Konturen zeigte. Der Penis lag dabei oberhalb der Hoden, so als wenn er leicht nach vorne abstehen würde. Auch hatte der Junge, wenn er die Arme hob bereits ganz leicht sichtbare Haare in den Achselhöhlen, ein kleines Bärchen oberhalb der Lippe war aber noch nicht sichtbar. Und auch die Stimme beim Sprechen klang noch nicht sehr tief, aber auch nicht mehr wirklich kindlich, weswegen ich ihn auch ca. 14 Jahre schätzte.


Ich war jedenfalls erstaunt darüber, heutzutage noch das Glück zu haben, Jungen in solchen Badehosen in der Öffentlichkeit anzutreffen, denn auch wenn es früher ganz normal war, so hat sich seit vielen Jahren der Trend eingebürgert, dass die Jungen diese hässlichen weiten und schlapprigen Boxer-Badeshorts tragen. Früher war dies noch ganz anders und die Jungs trugen oft sogar Slip-Badehosen und waren auch in sogenannten Feriencamps ganz unkompliziert den ganzen Tag nur in diesem engen Slip unterwegs, ohne möglicherweise peinlich berührt zu sein, dass andere etwas abgucken könnten. Aber so ist nun mal die heutige Generation, verklemmt. Jedenfalls beobachtete ich diese beiden Geschwister, speziell den Jungen mit seinen engen Badeshorts und genoss den herrlichen Anblick dabei. Natürlich trug ich eine dunkle Sonnenbrille und hatte den Kopf nicht direkt in ihre Richtung gedreht, so dass es nicht auffiel. Am liebsten hätte ich mein Smartphone herausgeholt und die Kamera eingeschaltet, um die ganze Szene zu drehen, aber wie bereits gesagt wäre das zu auffällig geworden. Jedenfalls stritten und alberten die beiden mit dem eigenen Smartphone herum, dass anscheinend dem Mädchen gehörte und ihr Bruder wollte ihr vermutlich irgendetwas verstellen oder ein Bild löschen was sie aufgenommen hatte, oder was auch immer. Das größere Mädchen saß währenddessen am Tisch und schaute auch auf ihr Smartphone, las und scrollte irgendwas und beachtete die anderen beiden Streithähne kaum. Diese standen neben den Tisch und das Smartphone ging mal in die eine Hand mal in die andere Hand. Der Junge hatte es gerade in der Hand und suchte etwas heraus und es sah aus, als ob er einen Text dazu schreiben wollte, so als wenn er eine Nachricht verschicken würde was seine Schwester eindeutig nicht wollte, denn sie versuchte ihm das Smartphone aus der Hand zu nehmen. Der Junge lachte dabei und schließlich gelang es ihr, ihm das Smartphone abzunehmen. Sie drehte ihm den Rücken zu und hielt das Smartphone weit von sich gestreckt und beugte sich dabei nach vorn, so dass ihr Bruder es mit den Händen nicht erreichen konnte. Aber auch dieser beugte sich im Spiel nach vorn über ihren Rücken und versucht mit seinem Arm das Smartphone zu erreichen, während beide leicht schimpfen und lachend ihr Spiel weiterspielten. So standen beide nun da, leicht nach vorn gebeugt und übereinander und hätte man nicht gesehen, dass es sich um spielende Kinder bzw. Jugendliche handelt, hätte man auch etwas anderes denken können. Allerdings hielt der Junge seine Ausbeulung instinktiv immer etwas entfernt von seiner Schwester und drückte es nicht etwa gegen ihr Hinterteil.


Das Mädchen hatte in der Zwischenzeit beide Hände am Smartphone um anscheinend die Nachricht zu löschen, was ihr Bruder versuchte zu verhindern und anscheinend wurde es ihr doch zu viel, denn dass was nun folgte geschah nur in Bruchteilen von Sekunden und kam für alle sehr überraschend. Wenn ich die Szene jetzt noch mal im Kopf durch gehe, was ich schon einige Male gemacht habe, kann ich doch noch vieles wie in Zeitlupe sehen und ablaufen lassen und bin immer wieder fasziniert davon. Denn das Mädchen beugte plötzlich ihr rechtes Bein mit dem Knie leicht nach vorn wie um Schwung zu holen und rammte dann ihr angewinkeltes Bein kräftig nach hinten und schräg nach oben, so dass ihre Ferse schwer in der dicken Ausbeulung ihres Bruders landete. Dieser Pfiff alle Luft aus den Lungen, klappte dann mit dem Oberkörper auf ihrem Rücken und rutschte daran herunter auf seine Knie. Hier hielt er sich nun mit beiden Händen die fette Ausbeulung und mit zusammengepressten Beinen den Kopf nach unten, so dass die Stirn den Boden. Man konnte sehen, wie er seine Fußzehen umklappte und nun schwer atmend und stöhnend immer wieder den Oberkörper hob und senkte und dabei ein schmerzverzerrtes Gesicht machte. Seine Schwester machte lachend einen Schritt vorwärts, drehte sich um und kicherte weiter über das, was sie gerade getan hatte. Das größere Mädchen schaute nun ebenfalls kurz von ihrem Handy hoch um zu begutachten was eigentlich passiert war und fing ebenfalls an zu lächeln bzw. leicht zu lachen als sie die Szene sah. Allerdings machte Sie sich keine großen Gedanken darüber, als wenn sie solche Szenen bereits kannte und dies zwischen den beiden Geschwistern öfters passierte. In meiner Fantasie wäre dies eine traumhafte Situation. Ich beobachtete den Jungen noch ein Weilchen wie er so neben dem Tisch kniete und sich nach ca. 10 Minuten in leicht gebeugte Haltung wieder in Richtung Strand zu einer der Sonnenliegen begabt, wo er sich nun vorsichtig hinsetzte und dabei weiter aber die Hände in den Schritt gepresst hielt. Seine Schwester hatte ihn anscheinend wirklich sehr gut getroffen, denn man sah ihm an, dass er mindestens weitere 15 Minuten mit den Schmerzen zu kämpfen hatte und alles lachen und alle Neckerei war aus seinem Gesicht verschwunden. Seine Schwester und ihre große Freundin hatten allerdings recht schnell wieder das Interesse verloren, was mit ihrem Bruder zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch immer neben dem Tisch kniend passiert war, schwatzen noch irgendwas während sie auf dem Bildschirm das Smartphone schauten und begaben sich dann zurück zum Strand und ins Meer. Als der Junge dann gequält von seiner Liege aufstand, noch immer die Hände leicht im Schritt reibend und die ersten vorsichtigen Schritte in Richtung Strand machte, konnte man sehen, dass ihm dies noch schwerfiel und er noch immer leichte Schmerzen beim Gehen hatte.




Fantasie Fortsetzung...


Spulen wir ein paar Minuten zurück, kurz nach dem Zeitpunkt, wo das Mädchen in einer heimtückischen Attacke ihre Ferse rücklings in die kräftige Ausbeulung ihres Bruders gerammt hatte und dieser nun mit Schmerzen auf dem Boden neben dem Tisch kniete. Die Mädchen schwatzten etwas bzw. tuschelten, so dass es ihr Bruder nicht hören konnte, wobei ich sowieso der Meinung war, dass dieser mit den Gedanken und seinem Fokus aktuell ganz woanders war und sich nicht um seine Schwester und ihre Freundin kümmerte. Anscheinend hatte seine Schwester aber Interesse und Gefallen daran gefunden, was sie gerade getan hatte und wie die Reaktion ihres Bruders ausgefallen war. Zumindest hat es den Anschein bei dem Gespräch zwischen den beiden Mädchen, denn die schauten immer wieder zu ihrem Bruder zeigten hin erklärten etwas und das große Mädchen erklärte dabei andere Dinge und machte hier und da Bewegungen mit Hand und Fuß. Nach einigen Minuten hatten sie sich anscheinend auf irgendetwas geeinigt und nickten sich leicht zu, so dass es fast nicht auffiel. Nun stand das große Mädchen auf und ging zu dem Jungen der immer noch seit einigen Minuten neben dem Tisch kniete, beide Hände in den Schritt gepresst, und legte ihm die Hand auf die Schulter. Sie sprach leise und beruhigen zu ihm, wären sie seine Schulter streichelte und ihm unter den rechten Arm fasste, um ihm aufstehen zu helfen. Soweit ich das mitbekam erklärte sie ihm, dass es helfen würde, wenn er aufstehen und sich mehrfach strecken würde, z.b. über den Rücken und dann wieder nach vorne gebeugt und dass sie ihm dabei helfen würde. Er war jünger als sie und ich weiß nicht ob er schon mal solche schmerzhaften Erfahrungen gemacht hatte, aber zumindest schien er ihr zu glauben, denn er stand langsam auf, wenn auch sichtbar unter weiteren leichten Schmerzen. Sie erklärte ihm, wie er sich strecken musste mit den Armen ganz nach oben und den Rücken leicht nach hinten gebeugt und danach wieder ganz leicht und entspannt nach vorne. Anscheinend schien es wirklich zu helfen, denn man sah, dass der Junge sich von den Gesichtszügen etwas entspannte. Seine Schwester stand interessiert und zuschauend vor ihm und beobachtet das Ganze. Mir fiel dabei auf, dass sie ihr Smartphone nicht mehr in der Hand hatte und als ich mich kurz umschaute, entdeckte ich es auf dem Tisch der beiden Mädchen, allerdings stehend an ein Glas gelehnt mit der Kamera auf die Gruppe der Jugendlichen gerichtet. Interessant, denn anscheinend nahm die Schwester des Jungen die ganze Szene auf.


Das große Mädchen erklärte ihm nun, dass er zur Entspannung seinen Rücken überstrecken solle und sie werde ihn einfach auf ihren Rücken stützen. Er willigte ein und somit stellte sie sich mit dem Rücken an seinen Rücken und fädelte ihre Arme in seine Unterarme und Ellenbogen ein. Anschließend beugte sie sich nach vorn und da sie etwas größer und zudem auch kräftiger gebaut war als der Junge, hebelte Sie ihn problemlos aus, so dass er nun über ihren Rücken gebeugt war und ein kleines Stück oberhalb des Hintern abgestützt wurde. Seine Beine schwebten leicht in der Luft so dass er gerade noch so mit den Zehen zum Boden runterkam. Anscheinend aber hatten die beiden Mädchen diesen Moment so geplant und abgesprochen, denn kaum das der Junge so ausgehebelt wurde und nun mit dem Gesicht in den Himmel schaute, wurde seine Schwester wieder aktiv, ohne dass ihr Bruder dies direkt sehen konnte. Ihre große Freundin rollte sich nun noch einmal mit einem Ruck etwas weiter nach vorn, so dass der Junge fast flach auf ihrem Rücken lag und seine Beine durch den Ruck leicht nach oben schwangen. Beim Zurückschwingen ging sie leicht in die Knie, so dass er weiter nach unten kam und die Beine auf dem Boden absetzen konnte. Durch den leichten Ruck und den Schwung hatte er instinktiv versucht etwas mehr Stabilität in seinen Körper zu bringen und dabei seine Beine einfach etwas weiter geöffnet. So stand er nun noch immer über den Rücken des großen Mädchens gebeugt leicht breitbeinig mit beiden Füßen auf dem Boden und durch die abstürzende Position auf Höhe der Lendenwirbel ragte seine dicke Ausbeulung als gut sichtbare Kontur hervor. Und auf die hatte es anscheinend seine Schwester abgesehen und nun diesen gemeinen Komplott mit ihrer Freundin geschmiedet.


Da der Junge noch immer halb gebeugt auf dem Rücken des großen Mädchens mit dem Gesicht gen Himmel starte, bemerkte er seine Schwester und ihren Plan nicht, so dass der nächste Moment erneut sehr überraschend und unerwartet für ihn erfolgte. Seine Schwester stand nun ganz nah bei ihm, direkt vor seiner Ausbeulung, die durch die leicht gebeugten Knie ihrer große Freundin auf einer perfekten Höhe für Sie positioniert war. Sie machte einen Ausfallschritt nach hinten, um dann im nächsten Moment mit kräftigem Schwung ihr Knie nach vorn und oben schnellen zu lassen, mit aller Kraft die sie aufbringen konnte. Man sah deutlich wie es kraftvoll in die gut erkennbaren Konturen seiner Ausbeulung einschlug und diese immer flacher werden gegen seinen Körper drückte. Der Einschlag machte ein leicht klatschendes Geräusch, welches nur wenige Millisekunden später von einem Aufschrei ihres Bruders überdeckt wurde. Mit solch einer gemeinen Attacke auf seine noch immer schmerzenden Teile hatte er nicht gerechnet, so dass die Schmerzexplosion in seinem Unterleib nun noch um einiges größer war und er die Kraft in seinen Beinen und Knie verlor. Instinktiv wollte er die Hände nach vorne nehmen und sich schützend seinen Schritt halten, das war allerdings nicht möglich, weil das große Mädchen seine Arme fest verwinkelt in ihren Armen hielt. Dies war der heimtückische Plan der beiden Mädchen gewesen, so dass seine kleine Schwester noch ein weiteres Mal zum Zug kommen würde. Denn sie holte nun erneut mit ihrem rechten Bein Schwung und lies ihr Knie noch einmal kräftig in die noch immer gut exponierte Ausbeulung krachen. Trotz des erneuten Aufschrei des Jungen konnte er sich nicht bewegen oder schützen da er weiterhin an den Armen fixiert war und in den Beinen keine Kraft hatte um diese zu schließen. Seine kleine Schwester tätschelte ihm zum Abschluss noch zwei-drei Mal kräftig die dicke Ausbeulung, was jedes Mal eine weitere kleine Schmerzwelle durch den Unterleib ihres Bruders rollen lies und sagte irgendwas zu ihm, was ich aber nicht verstand. So löste nun auch das große Mädchen die Verschränkung in den Armen und ließ den Jungen auf den Boden rutschen, wo er sich augenblicklich zusammen rollte und mit einer Mischung aus Wimmern, Stöhnen und Husten den malträtierten Schritt hielt. Die Mädchen lachten und seine Schwester nahm nun das Smartphone vom Tisch, hielt es noch ein wenig auf ihren Bruder gerichtet und schwenkte es ab und zu ihrem Gesicht herum, damit man ihr heimtückisches und gemeines Lächeln ebenfalls sehen konnte. Danach ließen die beiden ihren Bruder dort liegen wo er war und begaben sich lachend und schwatzend runter zum Strand und ans Meer. Der Junge lag bestimmt eine weitere halbe Stunde wimmernd dort am Boden, aber auch ich beendete irgendwann meinen Nachmittags-Snack und begab mich zurück zu meiner Liege und dem Strand. Mit wundervollen Bildern im Kopf…






Experience on the beach

Today I was able to watch a wonderful scene, which I had not expected and which surprised me a little bit. Such things happen quite often and you often see random videos on YouTube that show these scenes. It's a pity that I didn't have my smartphone at hand to film the scene at that moment. This would have been very noticeable, especially since I was in public. The following happened:

I'm on holiday by the sea, with a pleasant 30 degrees Celsius. I am here for camping and enjoy the free time. Around me are also many holidaymakers, often families with children or teenagers. But from 12 o'clock noon on it gets relatively hot and you can hardly stand the sun, not even on the beach, where there is always a bit of cool air. Right at the beach entrance of the campsite, which is so to speak directly at the sea, there is a small bar or lounge, with big sunshades and plastic chairs, where you can stay in the shade and have a coffee or a cool drink. I went there and ordered a cappuccino and a piece of cake. Around me there were also some other guests, whereby it should be mentioned that this one has a terrace right on the sand, so that it is still only a few steps to the beach and/or the deck chairs and towels. But on the terrace there was also a family with three children, two girls and a boy, whereby I do not know if the bigger girl was not even just a friend of the other two. The two siblings in any case are from Ireland or Wales, at least according to their very light skin colour and red hair and they spoke English. While I was enjoying my cappuccino and cake, I watched the two of them chatting loudly and arguing a bit. I estimate them to be between 13 and a maximum of 15 years old, which was not very clear. The taller girl could have been 16 or 17 years old and had long brown hair, so I suspected that she was not part of the family. The younger girl wore a blue bikini and was otherwise slim and you could already see that she was growing smaller breasts. Therefore I estimate her to be about 13 to 14 years old. Her brother was almost a head taller than her and wore, untypical for today's generation, tight-fitting boxershorts. Here a well visible and well-proportioned bulge was visible in the front area, which showed quite clearly a shorter but slightly thicker penis and underneath it two well-formed larger testicles in its contours. The penis lay above the testicles, as if it would protrude slightly forward. Also, when the boy raised his arms, he already had some easily visible hair in his armpits, but a small bear above his lip was not yet visible. And also the voice when speaking did not sound very deep yet, but not really childlike either, which is why I appreciated him about 14 years.

Anyway, I was astonished to be lucky enough to meet boys in such swimming trunks in public nowadays, because even if it was quite normal in the past, the trend has been established for many years now that boys wear these ugly wide and floppy boxer shorts. In former times this was completely different and the boys often even wore panty swimming shorts and were also in so-called holiday camps quite uncomplicatedly the whole day only in these tight panties, without possibly being embarrassed that others could copy something. But that's just the way the current generation is, uptight. Anyway, I watched these two siblings, especially the boy with his tight swimming shorts and enjoyed the wonderful view. Of course I wore dark sunglasses and had not turned my head directly in their direction, so that it was not noticeable. I would have liked best to take out my smartphone and turn on the camera to shoot the whole scene, but as I said before, that would have been too conspicuous. Anyway, the two of them were arguing and fooling around with their own smartphone that apparently belonged to the girl and her brother probably wanted to mess up something or delete a picture she had taken or whatever. Meanwhile the bigger girl was sitting at the table and looking at her smartphone, reading and scrolling around and barely noticing the other two brawlers. They were standing next to the table and the smartphone went from one hand to the other. The boy had it in his hand and was looking for something and it looked as if he was going to write a text, as if he was going to send a message, which his sister clearly didn't want, because she was trying to take the smartphone out of his hand. The boy laughed and finally she managed to take the smartphone from him. She turned her back to him and held the smartphone far away from her, bending forward so that her brother could not reach it with his hands. But he too bent forward over her back during the game and tried to reach the smartphone with his arm, while both of them continued to play their game, scolding slightly and laughing. So there they both stood, slightly bent forward and on top of each other and if you hadn't seen that they were playing children or teenagers, you could have thought something else. However, the boy instinctively kept his bulge away from his sister and did not press it against her backside.

In the meantime, the girl had both hands on the smartphone to apparently delete the message, which her brother tried to prevent and apparently it was too much for her, because what followed only happened in a fraction of a second and came as a surprise to everyone. If I now go through the scene again in my head, which I have already done several times, I can still see and run many things like in slow motion and I am always fascinated by it. Because the girl suddenly bent her right leg slightly forward with her knee as if to get some momentum and then rammed her bent leg strongly backwards and diagonally upwards, so that her heel landed heavily in the thick bulge of her brother. This whistled all the air out of her lungs, then flapped her upper body on her back and slid down to his knees. Here he now held the fat bulge with both hands and, with his legs pressed together, his head down so that his forehead touched the ground. You could see how he folded his toes and now, breathing heavily and moaning, he kept raising and lowering his upper body, making a painfully distorted face. Laughing, his sister took a step forward, turned around and giggled further about what she had just done. The bigger girl looked up from her cell phone to see what had actually happened and also started to smile and laugh slightly when she saw the scene. However, she didn't worry about it too much, as if she already knew such scenes and this happened between the two siblings quite often. In my fantasy this would be a dreamlike situation. I watched the boy for a while as he kneeled beside the table and after about 10 minutes he bent slightly towards the beach to one of the sun loungers, where he sat down carefully and kept his hands pressed into his crotch. His sister had apparently hit him really well, because you could see that he had to struggle with the pain for at least another 15 minutes and everything was laughing and all teasing had disappeared from his face. His sister and her big girlfriend, however, had quickly lost interest again in what had happened to her brother at that point in time, still kneeling beside the table, chatting something while watching the smartphone on the screen and then going back to the beach and the sea. When the boy then got up tortured by his couch, still rubbing his hands lightly in his crotch and taking the first careful steps towards the beach, you could see that this was still difficult for him and that he still had slight pain when walking.


Fantasy Continuation...


Let's rewind a few minutes after the moment when the girl had rammed her heel backwards into her brother's massive bulge in an insidious attack and he was now kneeling in pain on the floor next to the table. The girls talked or whispered a bit so that her brother couldn't hear, although I was of the opinion anyway that he was currently somewhere else with his thoughts and focus and didn't care about his sister and her friend. Apparently, his sister was interested and liked what she had just done and what her brother's reaction had been. At least that's what it seemed during the conversation between the two girls, because they kept looking at their brother, pointing at him, explaining something and the big girl explaining other things and making hand and foot movements here and there. After a few minutes they had apparently agreed on something and nodded slightly so that it was almost unnoticeable. Now the big girl stood up and went to the boy who was still kneeling beside the table for a few minutes, both hands pressed into his crotch, and put his hand on his shoulder. She spoke softly and reassured him, if they had stroked his shoulder and reached under his right arm to help him stand up. As far as I could tell, she explained to him that it would help if he stood up and stretched out several times, e.g. over his back and then bent forward again, and that she would help him to get up. He was younger than her and I don't know if he had ever had such painful experiences, but at least he seemed to believe her, because he slowly stood up, although visibly under further slight pain. She explained to him how he had to stretch himself with his arms all the way up and his back slightly bent back and then again very slightly and relaxedly forward. Apparently it seemed to really help, because you could see that the boy relaxed a bit from the facial features. His sister stood in front of him, interested and watching, and observed the whole thing. I noticed that she was no longer holding her smartphone in her hand and as I looked around briefly, I discovered it on the table of the two girls, but standing against a glass with the camera pointed at the group of young people. Interesting, because apparently the boy's sister recorded the whole scene.

The big girl now told him that he should stretch out his back to relax and she would simply support him on her back. He agreed and so she stood with her back against his back and threaded her arms into his forearms and elbows. She then bent forward and as she was a bit taller and also stronger built than the boy, she easily lifted him out so that he was now bent over her back and supported a little bit above her bottom. His legs floated slightly in the air so that his toes just came down to the ground. But apparently the two girls had planned and agreed on this moment, because as soon as the boy was levered out and looked into the sky with his face, his sister became active again without her brother being able to see this directly. Their tall friend now rolled herself forward once more with a jerk, so that the boy lay almost flat on her back and his legs swung slightly upwards due to the jerk. As she swung back, she dropped her knees slightly, so that he came further down and could put his legs on the ground. Through the slight jerk and the swing he had instinctively tried to bring a bit more stability to his body and just opened his legs a bit more. So now he was still standing bent over the back of the big girl with both feet on the ground and due to the falling position at the level of the lumbar vertebrae his thick bulge protruded as a clearly visible contour. And that was apparently what his sister had been after, and now she had forged this mean conspiracy with her friend.

As the boy still started half bent on the back of the big girl with his face to the sky, he did not notice his sister and her plan, so that the next moment was again very surprising and unexpected for him. His sister was now standing very close to him, right in front of his bulge, which was positioned at a perfect height for you by the slightly bent knees of her tall friend. She took a lunge backwards, only to let her knee bounce forward and upwards in the next moment, with all the strength she could muster. You could clearly see how it hit the contours of her bulge and pressed it against her body. The impact made a slight clapping sound, which was masked only a few milliseconds later by an outcry from her brother. He hadn't expected such a nasty attack on his still hurting parts, so the pain explosion in his abdomen was now much bigger and he lost the strength in his legs and knees. Instinctively he wanted to take his hands forward and keep his step protectively, but this was not possible because the big girl held his arms firmly angled in her arms. This had been the insidious plan of the two girls, so that his little sister would make another move. For she now took another swing with her right leg and let her knee crash once more strongly into the still well exposed bulge. Despite the boy's renewed cry he could not move or protect himself because he was still fixed to his arms and had no strength in his legs to close them. His little sister finally patted the bulge two or three times, each time causing another small wave of pain to roll through her brother's abdomen and said something to him, but I didn't understand. So now the big girl also loosened the entanglement in her arms and let the boy slide down to the floor, where he rolled up instantly and kept the tortured step with a mixture of whimpering, moaning and coughing. The girls laughed and his sister now took the smartphone off the table, held it a little bit more towards her brother and waved it around to her face from time to time so that you could see her sneaky and mean smile as well. After that they left their brother where he was and went down to the beach and the sea laughing and chatting. The boy lay there on the ground whimpering for at least another half hour, but I too finished my afternoon snack and went back to my couch and the beach. With wonderful pictures in my head...


12 June 2020

Jan, Alfred, Nick and the new tiktok star

Jan, Alfred, Nick and the tiktok star

Jan was once again bored, as the weather outside showed only clouds and rain. So it was not possible to go out and play something or ride a bike and only the sad flat remained. Actually he had made an appointment with his friend Alfred, because they wanted to go to the sports field 3 km away where they had secretly built a small camp in the hedges. But in this bad weather the trip made neither fun nor sense. Now he had to spend the afternoon together with his annoying little brother, who was in the room next door but was always annoying and bothering him and his friend. So he decided to play a little bit with the Xbox and asked without further ado via WhatsApp if Alfred wouldn't like to visit him. He agreed and about 20 minutes later the doorbell rang. Alfred was a new friend of Jan, who he knew for more than a year, but the last school year they had almost no contact, especially since they went to different schools. They only knew each other from earlier times from different playgrounds or sports fields. Alfred had come by bicycle, because the heat outside was so hot that long trousers or thick clothes were not appropriate anyway. Only the rain put a spoke in the wheel today. So he wore a colourful t-shirt with Star Wars logo on it and grey tight cycling shorts. Jan called him in and asked what they both wanted to play today. They decided to play Minecraft. They went into Jan's room and kneeled or crouched in front of the Xbox and TV and started playing.

In between Jan's little brother Nick stopped by, greeted Alfred and then just said that he wanted to play too. But as they only had two controllers this was not possible and Jan shooed his little brother out again, who went back to his room in annoyance. So Jan and Alfred continued to play a round of Minecraft, and were constructing a new world. The friendship between Jan and Alfred had strengthened over the last few weeks, although Alfred, at 14 years old, was already a year older than Jan. In the meantime, Nick and almost always his new favorite app tiktok, which contained lots of videos, was the only thing he was interested in. Often it was videos of creepy houses, false reports, game videos or just crazy things and entertainment, what society wanted to share with the world. Currently, a new wave or challenge was going through tiktok called Nutcheck Challenge. Nick watched some videos of it, but the adult males also showed mostly children and teenagers, who filmed themselves kicking or punching each other in the balls, and then recorded the surprised facial expression and the laughing reaction of the victim on video. Nick wanted to take part and collect many clicks and views of his video and he already had an idea. So he grabbed his smartphone, turned on the camera and went back over to his brother Jan's room, who is still playing Minecraft on the Xbox with Alfred. When he entered the room Jan looked around and told Nick to leave and not to play. But then he immediately concentrated on the game again and ignored him further. Alfred on the other hand ignored him completely and concentrated only on the game.

As the television was on the floor and thus quite low in view, Alfred knelt bent forward in front of it with a larger pillow under his chest and elbows propped up. Nick saw this position and found it perfect for his new tiktok hit. He turned on the camera from his smartphone and zoomed in a little and put it upright against the door frame, facing the TV as well as Jan and Alfred. Then he secretly crept about a step behind Alfred and positioned himself so that the camera could record everything well, but he wasn't in the middle of the picture. As the light and the sun were not really bright due to the cloudy day, Jan had switched on the room lighting so that there was a good brightness in the room, just perfect for a video recording. While Jan and Alfred ignored little 10 year old Nick, he concentrated on his goal and the correct execution of his diabolical plan.

Luckily Alfred was wearing his usual grey cycling shorts again today, which were accordingly tight. This allowed Nick to see very well the thick bulge between Alfred's legs, which even slightly showed the contours of his two eggs. Nick was happy about this, because on the video, which will surely shoot through the ceiling at tiktok, you could see very well that he will hit well. Nick already knew that the eggs of a boy were a special target which, as he already knew from his own experience, caused slight pulling pain when you were hit there. He had gotten the ball there once before when playing football and remembered how it pulled slightly between his legs. What he found funniest, however, were the reactions he had also seen in the other tiktok videos when a boy was hit there. At his age, of course, he didn't know how painful a hit in the balls could be, especially if you were a bit older than he was and already in the middle of puberty. Because here especially the eggs of a boy started to grow disproportionately, which increased their sensitivity extremely. But even if he had known it, he probably wouldn't have cared, because he only thought about his video and the millions of clicks on it. He took aim one last time, then made a lunge backwards, took a strong swing and while Jan and Alfred chatted with each other and were fully concentrated on their game, his right foot shot forward with all the strength he could muster as a footballer and landed with a loud clapping sound perfectly in the thick bulge between Alfred's legs. The reaction that followed took only a few seconds. Out of Alfred's mouth came a loud and surprised sounding Oooohhh, but it died away quite quickly. At the same time he dropped the controller and tried to grab between his legs with his hands, which was initially blocked by the pillow on his chest. He rolled to the side and then onto his back and then rolling from right to left whimpering on the floor. He made really strange noises that ranged from whimpering to coughing to moaning.

Jan looks surprised to the right and then at the laughing Nick and needed a few seconds to realize what had just happened here. He got up in a rage to grab his brother by the collar and shake him while he yelled at him what this was all about and why he kicked Alfred. Nick, however, reacted as if by magic to the attack by his brother and just tore his knee up while he was still holding him by the front of his chest and collar. The knee found its way and its real target, namely also between the slightly spread legs of his brother and rammed his pubescent eggs strongly against the pelvic floor and squeezed them there. Jan let go immediately, howled up and went to his knees to hold the aching eggs and tried to get air, which had suddenly escaped from his body somehow. Nick only thought that this was his way of playing along, if you didn't let him play along. Then he went to his smartphone, lifted it up and made sure to keep the camera pointed at the ones lying on the ground. After about 30 seconds and various curses from his brother about death, revenge and castration for Nick, he turned the recording off and went back to his room to upload the recording to tiktok. In the meantime, Alfred had not uttered a word except for a few sounds and was completely focused on himself while still lying on the floor whimpering. Nick was as happy as a king and uploaded the video with the corresponding hashtags to tiktok. He was sure this video would get millions of clicks and he was the new star on tiktok.

Jan, Alfred, Nick und der neue tiktok-Star

Jan, Alfred, Nick und der tiktok-Star

Jan war es mal wieder langweilig, da auch das Wetter draußen nur trübe Wolken und Regen zeigte. Somit war an rausgehen und etwas spielen oder Fahrradfahren aktuell nicht zu denken und es blieb nur die triste Wohnung. Eigentlich hatte er sich mit seinem Freund Alfred verabredet, denn sie wollten zum 3 Kilometer entfernten Sportplatz wo sie sich heimlich in den Hecken ein kleines Camp gebaut hatten. Aber bei diesem schlechten Wetter machte der Ausflug weder Spaß noch Sinn. Nun musste er doch den Nachmittag zusammen mit seinem kleinen nervigen Bruder verbringen, der zwar nebenan im Zimmer war aber ständig nervte und ihn und seinen Freund störte. So beschloss er ein wenig mit der Xbox zu spielen und fragte kurzerhand per WhatsApp ob Alfred nicht bei ihm vorbeikommen wolle. Dieser sagte zu und ca 20 Minuten später klingelte es bereits an der Tür. Alfred war ein neuer Freund von Jan den er zwar schon über ein Jahr kannte, aber das letzte Schuljahr über hatten sie so gut wie keinen Kontakt, zumal sie in unterschiedliche Schulen gingen. Sie kannten sich nur von früheren Zeiten von verschiedenen Spiel- oder Sportplätzen. Alfred war mit dem Fahrrad gekommen, denn bei der sommerlichen Wärme draußen waren lange Hosen oder dicke Kleidung sowieso nicht angebracht. Nur der Regen machte heute einen Strich durch die Rechnung. So trug er ein buntes T-Shirt mit Star Wars Logo drauf und eine graue Radlerhose. Jan riefe in herein und fragte was sie beide denn heute spielen wollten. Sie entschieden sich für Minecraft. Sie begaben sich in das Zimmer von Jan und knieten bzw hockten sich vor Xbox und Fernseher und begannen zu spielen.

Zwischendurch schaute Jans kleiner Bruder Nick kurz vorbei, begrüßte kurz Alfred und meinte dann nur dass auch er mitspielen wolle. Da sie aber nur zwei Controller hatten war das natürlich so nicht möglich und Jan scheuchte seinen kleinen Bruder wieder raus, der verärgert wieder in sein Zimmer zurück ging. So spielten Jan und Alfred weiter eine Runde Minecraft, und konstruierten gerade eine neue Welt. Die Freundschaft zwischen Jan und Alfred hatte sich die letzten Wochen gut gefestigt, obwohl Alfred mit seinen 14 Jahren bereits ein Jahr älter war als Jan. In der Zwischenzeit beschäftigte sich Nick sowie fast immer nur noch mit seiner neuen Lieblings-App tiktok, auf der jede Menge Videos zu finden war. Oft waren es Videos von irgendwelchen gruseligen Häusern, Falschmeldungen, irgendwelche Game-Videos oder auch halt einfach verrückteste Dinge und Unterhaltung, das was die Gesellschaft eben so mit der Welt teilen wollte. Aktuell ging eine neue Welle oder Challenge durch tiktok, die sich Nutcheck Challenge nannte. Nick schaute sich einige Videos davon an, die männliche Erwachsene zeigte aber überwiegend auch Kinder und Jugendliche, die sich dabei filmten wie sie einem anderen einen Schlag oder Tritt in die Eier verpassten, um dann den überraschten Gesichtsausdruck als auch die Reaktion des Opfers lachend auf Video festzuhalten. Nick wollte mitmachen und somit viele Klicks und Aufrufe seines Videos sammeln und der hatte auch schon eine Idee. Somit schnappte er sich sein Smartphone schalte die Kamera ein und ging wieder rüber ins Zimmer seines Bruders Jan, der noch immer mit Alfred zusammen Minecraft auf der Xbox spielt. Als er das Zimmer betrat schaut sich Jan kurz um und sagte zu Nick, dass er wieder gehen soll und nicht mitspielen könne. Dann konzentrierte sich aber gleich wieder auf das Spiel und ignoriert ihn weiter. Alfred hingegen ignorierte ihn komplett und konzentrierte sich nur rein auf das Spiel.

Da der Fernseher auf dem Fußboden stand und somit recht tief im Blick war, kniete Alfred nach vorn gebeugt davor mit einem größeren Kissen unter der Brust und aufgestütztem Ellenbogen. Nick sah diese Position und fand sie perfekt für seinen neuen tiktok-Hit. Er schaltete die Kamera von seinem Smartphone ein und zoomte ein wenig hinein und stellte sie hochkant an den Türrahmen mit Blickwinkel zum Fernseher als auch Jan und Alfred. Dann schlich er sich heimlich etwa eine Schrittlänge weit hinter Alfred und positionierte sich so, dass die Kamera alles gut aufzeichnen konnte, er aber nicht mitten im Bild stand. Da durch den trüben Tag das Licht und die Sonne nicht wirklich hell waren, hatte Jan die Zimmerbeleuchtung eingeschaltet, sodass im Zimmer eine gute Helligkeit herrschte, gerade perfekt für eine Videoaufnahme. Während Jan und Alfred den kleinen 10-jährigen Nick ignorierten, konzentrierte dieser sich auf sein Ziel und die richtige Ausführung seines teuflischen Planes.

Glücklicherweise hatte Alfred heute wieder seine üblichen grauen Radlerhosen an, die entsprechend eng saßen. Dadurch konnte Nick mit seinem Blick auf den knienden und nach vorn gebeugten Alfred sehr gut die dicke Ausbeulung zwischen den Beinen von Alfred sehen, die sogar leicht die Konturen von seinen beiden Eiern abbildete. Nick freute sich darüber, denn so würde man auf dem Video, welches bei tiktok bestimmt durch die Decke schießen wird, auch sehr gut sehen können, dass er gut treffen wird. Nick wusste bereits, dass die Eier eines Jungen ein spezielles Ziel waren, die, wie er aus eigener Erfahrung bereits wusste, leichte ziehende Schmerzen verursachten, wenn man dort getroffen wurde. Er hatte nämlich schon mal beim Fußballspielen den Ball dorthin bekommen und erinnerte sich, wie es dabei zwischen seinen Beinen leicht gezogen hat. Am Lustigsten fand er aber die Reaktionen, die er auch in den anderen tiktok Videos gesehen hatte, wenn ein Junge dort getroffen wurde. In seinem Alter wusste er natürlich noch nicht, wie wirklich schmerzhaft ein Treffer in die Eier sein konnte, vor allem wenn man schon etwas älter war als er selbst und bereits mitten in der Pubertät war. Da hier ja speziell die Eier eines Jungen überproportional zu wachsen begannen, was damit vor allem deren Empfindlichkeit extrem steigerte. Aber selbst wenn er es gewusst hätte, wäre es ihm vermutlich egal gewesen, denn er dachte nur an sein Video und die daraufhin folgenden Millionen von Klicks darauf. Er zielte ein letztes Mal, machte dann einen Ausfallschritt nach hinten, holte kräftig Schwung und während Jan und Alfred miteinander schwatzend voll und ganz auf ihr Spiel konzentriert waren, schoss sein rechter Fuß mit aller Kraft die er als Fußballer aufbringen konnte nach vorn und landete mit einem laut klatschenden Geräusch perfekt in der dicken Ausbeulung zwischen Alfreds Beinen. Die Reaktion die folgte brauchte nur wenige Sekunden. Aus Alfred Mund kam ein lautes und und überrascht klingendes Oooohhh, welches aber recht schnell wieder verstummte. Gleichzeitig ließ er den Controller fallen und versuchte sich mit den Händen zwischen die Beine zu greifen, was anfangs durch das Kissen auf seiner Brust etwas blockiert war. Er rollte sich zur Seite und dann auf den Rücken und danach wälzend von rechts nach links wimmernd am Boden hin und her. Dabei gab er wirklich seltsame Geräusche von sich, die von Wimmern über Husten bis hin zu Stöhnen ihr breites Spektrum entfalteten.

Jan schaut überrascht nach rechts und danach auf den lachende Nick und brauchte ein paar Sekunden um zu begreifen, was hier gerade passiert war. Er stand erbost auf um seinen Bruder am Kragen zu packen und ihn durchzuschütteln, während er ihn anschrie was das soll und warum er Alfred getreten hat. Nick allerdings reagierte wie von selbst bei dem Angriff durch seinen Bruder und riss einfach nur sein Knie nach oben, während dieser ihn noch vorne an Brust und Kragen gepackt hielt. Das Knie fand seinen Weg und sein richtiges Ziel, nämlich ebenfalls zwischen den leicht gespreizten Beinen seines Bruders und rammte dessen pubertierende Eier kräftig gegen den Beckenboden und quetschte sie dort ein. Jan lies augenblicklich los heulte auf und ging sich die schmerzenden Eier halten auf die Knie und versuchte Luft zu bekommen, die plötzlich irgendwie aus seinem Körper entwichen war. Nick meinte nur dies sei seine Art mitzuspielen, wenn Sie ihn eben nicht haben mitspielen lassen. Dann ging er zu seinem Smartphone, hob es hoch und achtete dabei darauf, die Kamera weiterhin noch ein wenig auf die sich am Boden liegenden gerichtet zu lassen. Nach etwa 30 Sekunden und verschiedenen Flüchen von seinem Bruder, die von Tod, Rache und Kastration für Nick handelten, schaltet er die Aufnahme aus und ging in sein Zimmer zurück, um die Aufnahme auf tiktok hochzuladen. Alfred hatte in der Zwischenzeit bis auf ein paar Laute keine Worte von sich gegeben und war voll und ganz nur auf sich konzentriert, während er noch immer wimmernd am Boden lag. Nick freute sich wie ein König und lud das Video mit den entsprechenden Hashtags auf tiktok hoch. Er war sich sicher dieses Video würde Millionen von Klicks bekommen und er der neue Star auf tiktok.

02 January 2020

Mike and the mysterious clock (2)

Chapter 2

Mike lay curled up on the floor for several minutes until the pain slowly decreased and he became more aware of his surroundings. He still had both hands firmly pressed between his legs and felt the slight pulsation in his testicles. He rolled over to his knees and tried to stand up slowly. He again felt slightly stabbing waves of pain flowing through his abdomen and just made slower movements without his testicles being subjected to any pressure or vibration. Felt a new age began for him from this day on, because he had found out a few months ago what pleasant feelings or satisfying ecstasy his newly discovered genitals gave him when he played around with them, but he had never suspected that his testicles could cause such extreme pain. After he finally stood he carefully wiped the leaves, needles and small pieces of earth from his body, always being careful not to move too fast, and then walked carefully through the park on his way home. Walking was not so easy for him at first and he had to walk with his legs slightly apart so that his aching testicles did not constantly collide or rub against each other, which caused a wave of new pain every time. In his head he was already thinking about which side streets or back roads he could take home, so that nobody saw him in his underpants. But he was lucky, because Tom had simply thrown his clothes into a wastebasket at the exit of the park, so that Mike could fish them out again. His pants got stuck for ice that some other visitor apparently hadn't eaten up and had also thrown them into the trash. However, he overcame the slight disgust and ignored the sticky feeling, because that was still better than having to walk through the streets with just underwear on. So he slipped with careful movements into both trouser legs and when he pulled them up as usual to be able to do the zipper and button, he suddenly curled up again in pain and went slightly to his knees. He hadn't considered that with the strong pulling up of the trousers his two maltreated testicles were pressed against his pelvic floor, which logically now returned this with another small explosion of pain. But after about a minute he felt better again, took two or three deep breaths, pulled his shirt over his head and, sitting very carefully on a park bench, put on his shoes and tried to avoid touching his testicles in any way. Then he continued on his way home with cautious steps and slightly broad-legged.

Arriving home, he was glad that his mother was working late again today and therefore did not come home until late evening. He would have been too embarrassed to tell what had happened to him today. He went to the bathroom first, undressed carefully and threw his dirty clothes into the laundry basket. Afterwards he went to the shower to finally wash the dirt from the park and the sticky remains of a soft ice cream off his body. While he stood under the warm shower jet, he also immediately examined his still aching genitals and imagined that his testicles were bigger today than they were last night when he took a shower. Relieved, he carefully palpated his testicles and found that both were still completely intact, even though they caused slight waves of pain with every touch. On the way home he only thought about the fact that the testicles were often called nuts or eggs and especially "eggs" were quite fragile, so that he was not quite sure if his "eggs" were not broken too, as painful as they had felt when walking. So he was very happy that they were still whole, because he had only learned in biology lessons that the testicles would produce the semen so that later on children could be made. But it was never said whether they were really as fragile as "eggs" and especially not that they were so extremely sensitive. So fortunately for him, the term "eggs" was not quite correct here.

He also didn't know if they were really broken, how and if a doctor could repair them, just as he had got the cast when he had the little accident on his bicycle and broke his right arm. Besides, he would have had to go to the doctor with his mother and tell her and the doctor what embarrassing things had happened to him. His mother would certainly have been very excited and would have seen him naked during the examination while the doctor was palpating or repairing his genitals. Probably he would have got a hard-on, which would have made him even more embarrassing in front of his mother, and maybe the doctor would have found out that he was playing around with it, thinking of Larissa. He wanted to avoid that at all costs.

When he thought of Larissa, he imagined that she was the doctor and would examine him. In doing so, he immediately got a hard-on again, which was also supported by the hard shower jet that drummed on his penis. So he took as usual his stiff penis in his right hand and started rubbing it with fast up and down movements while he held the image of Larissa as a doctor in his head. But already after a few movements he had to stop this action, because new pain impulses chased through his testicles, which were exposed to new vibrations and shocks by the fast movements. He was a bit frustrated about this, because for almost a whole week now he had not had the opportunity to do so, as his mother had been at home all the time and had forbidden him to lock any doors. Thus he was always exposed to the danger that his mother would burst into the bathroom to go to the toilet or to wash an apple. And she also insisted that his room door was always open, so that even from the living room, when she bent slightly backwards on the couch, she could look over to him to see that everything was alright and that he was in his bed. As this also meant that there was always a little light shining from the living room into his room and also directly onto his bed, he could not even do it there secretly under the blanket, as his mother could have looked over at any time and then caught him doing so. So he usually only had the 2 days of the week where she was on late shift and was not at home when he came home from school. While he thought about this situation in frustration and hoped that it would at least work out tomorrow, because his mother was on late shift again tomorrow, he remembered the words of Ralf, who had said to him before that he would certainly not be able to play around with himself today, while he thought about Larissa. He had heard this in the park, but at this time he did not understand what Ralf meant by it. As I said, he had not known until today how sensitive his testicles were, which Ralf must have known, otherwise he would not have kicked him in them and secondly he would have said that he would not be able to play with himself today. That had been quite mean of him, although he can't know that Mike could only use the two days of his mother's late shift for that. So he dried himself and put on some new leisure clothes.

After he had finished his homework quickly, he went down into the cellar where the old things of his father were standing. He had always tinkered with some technical stuff down there and his mother hadn't put it away yet, but she had forbidden him to go into the cellar. Since she wasn't there today, he sneaked into the cellar secretly to be closer to his father and he was also interested in all kinds of technical stuff. When he arrived downstairs, he looked at the various tools and small utensils that were still scattered around on his father's laboratory table. Some of them were still flashing and glowing, because his mother hadn't switched off the electricity in the basement until now. There was a strange cube with two blue LED strips on the side, then various pliers, pens, metal rods and all kinds of wires and cables, but they had no apparent purpose for him and could perhaps just be tools or components of a larger device. There was also a small test tube stand with several vials with a green glowing liquid in them at one corner of the desk. Next to it was a small wooden box that aroused his curiosity, so he carefully opened it to see what was inside. 

After he had lifted the lid, always expecting that he would unintentionally set some mechanism in motion, but nothing else happened, he found a kind of wristwatch with hands and a single button on the side, simply lying on a cloth. Interested, he took it out, turned it in his hands and examined it. He turned it over to see if there was anything engraved on the bottom, but he couldn't find anything that matched, maybe it was just his father's old watch, which immediately warmed his heart and he decided to keep this watch secretly for himself, another piece of his father that he could carry with him. He closed the box again and put the watch into his trouser pocket first and then he crept a little further through the cellar to look at other objects unknown to him. After some time he convinced himself that everything still looked the same as before, so that his mother would not notice that he was secretly back in his father's laboratory. Then he went up to his room and sat down at his desk. He took out the clock and examined it a little more closely. The time it showed was not correct and the dial also looked a bit different from a normal watch, as it only had a large minute hand and in the middle a tiny little hand that had a scale up to 36, which was a very unusual number for a watch and therefore it looked more like a stopwatch than a normal wristwatch. However, this watch had a normal brown leather strap, so you could wear it on your wrist like any other watch.

Curious if it would still work he pressed the small button on the side and the big pointer actually started to move slowly. But at the same time there was something else strange that he couldn't assign or recognize directly what it was. He took it only unconsciously, but ignored the strange feeling. He watched the big pointer for a while as it moved along its path, but nothing else happened and so he pressed the button on the side again to stop the pointer, which promptly did. Again he noticed that something was different again, but still couldn't assign it. To be sure that it was just a normal stopwatch, as he already knew it from his gym lessons, he pressed the button again and was satisfied that the large hand had jumped back to the middle and thus reset the clock. He put the clock on his desk and, despite the fact that it did not show the time, he was happy that he had found it and decided to carry it with him at all times so that he could continue to be close to his father.

He took a sip of water from the glass that was on his desk, put it down and thought about what he could do until his mother came home. He didn't want to go outside today, even though he spent more time at home anyway than playing with other children or schoolmates outside. And besides, he had his problems with other sports activities today anyway, which would cause possible new waves of pain in his testicles. So he picked up the watch again, bored, to play with it a little more and pressed the button on the side again. He lifted his head in bewilderment when he noticed what had changed and what he had only unconsciously noticed but then ignored. It was quiet, really quiet, and that was absolutely unusual, because just a moment ago the neighbour's dog had been barking at pedestrians passing outside his fence on the sidewalk, as it always does every day. He stood up, still with the clock in his left hand, and later out of the window. But outside he could not see the dog, which was probably in some corner and hidden in a bush in the neighbour's garden. There were also no vehicles or any passers-by on the sidewalk, which was also unusual, since there was no heavy traffic in front of the house, but it was rather unusual that no vehicle was driving along the street.

He spotted a white van that was simply standing on the road, but apparently hadn't even turned on the hazard lights. Probably wouldn't be long before the first vehicle behind it started honking. Still he wondered what had happened to the dog. He turned away from the window again and towards his desk and accidentally ripped the water glass off the table with his elbow, which made a slightly arching movement and then, to Mike's amazement, just floated to the side of his desk in an upturned position, just like the large stream of water that was already pouring out of it. Mike kept his mouth open. He had never seen anything like it before, but it fascinated him. Curious, he stuck his right index finger into the water floating in front of him and was again shocked to discover that as soon as he touched it, it moved very slowly around his fingers and, as it dripped down, froze in midair again. He pulled his finger back and tapped again carefully on another spot where only a few larger drops were hanging in the air. He approached slowly and carefully with his finger and when he was still about 5 to 7 cm away from the drop, it began to move slightly and continued to follow its flight path. The closer he came, the faster this movement became, but even when he touched the drop it was still slow enough for him to follow it with his eyes at rest.

So he reached for the glass, which also began to move further down as he approached it. He grabbed it boldly and held it firmly in his right hand. Fascinated, he lifted it up and in front of his eyes, while the poured water continued to hang in the air in front of him. He quickly recognized a physical effect behind it, that apparently all objects in his immediate vicinity had frozen in time while he was able to move freely and that he could set these objects in motion again within a very limited radius around him, even if only slower than in real time. After a short thought, the first thing he tried to do was to collect the water floating in the air again with the glass by swinging the glass through the air several times so that the water was absorbed by the glass. After he had collected almost all the water flying around, he carefully placed the glass back on the desk. Then he looked at his left hand, which was still holding his father's watch. He combined his own actions and the current situation in that apparently this clock and his pressing the button had frozen the time around him. The still busy moving big hand showed the elapsed time that had passed since the time had frozen for him. This was now almost five minutes, and the small hand with the scale up to 36 had already moved slightly. He pressed the button again so that the pointer stopped again and at the same moment he heard the barking and yapping of the dog from the neighbour again.

He turned to the window again and looked out and now saw the dog excitedly running past the fence again and again while the white van apparently just passed the fence. So it only looked as if this van was just standing on the roadway, since it had stopped time all around it. Immediately he was absolutely fascinated by this clock and took a closer look at it. He pressed the button on the side again and watched as the big hand made the jump back to zero. The small hand, however, remained in its slightly changed position and did not jump back. He dared a new experiment and pressed the button again. Immediately it became very quiet again, even though he could not detect any other changes. He grabbed one of the soft balls lying around on his table and threw it slightly towards his bed. The ball flew in an arc, but slowed down and slowed down, until finally it just got stuck in the air. He took another softball and threw it too, but this time with a little more momentum and as expected it flew a little further than the first one, but then it also got stuck in the air. He took a third and last ball and threw it towards the wall above his bed, but now with a lot of force and the ball flew in a high arc towards the wall, bounced there and slowed down until it also got stuck in the air. Fascinated Mike watched the three balls, which now floated in the air above his bed. Again he carefully approached the last ball with his hand and as soon as he had come close to the ball again by 5 to 7 cm, it began to move very slowly and continued its flight path.

He pressed the clock again and at the same moment the usual ambient noise level was back again and the three balls fell on his bed or the floor and rolled through the room. The whole action had lasted several minutes, so that again not only the big hand but also the small hand moved minimally. Mike pressed the reset button and again only the big pointer moved back to zero, while the small pointer stayed in its position. Interested, Mike turned the watch back and forth in his hands again to take a closer look at it and discovered two tiny indentations on the underside of the watch, evenly spaced at the bottom. He had seen something similar before and probably these were two contact points to charge the watch. So the small hand symbolized the maximum time of use until the batteries of this watch had to be recharged. He put the clock in the drawer of his desk and went down to the cellar again to have another look at the small box and his father's desk in the hope of finding some kind of charger. However, he could not find anything really interesting that resembled a charger. Then he suddenly heard the closing of the front door lock and quickly ran up the cellar stairs again and closed the cellar door behind him. His mother had come home earlier than he had expected and almost caught him in the forbidden cellar.

The rest of the evening was quiet and almost as usual. His mother cooked some more food, while he helped her in the kitchen with light hand movements. Then they ate together and cleaned up together and then they went to the couch in front of the TV in the living room, where they watched some documentary on TV together. Around 9 p.m. he got ready, went to his room and to bed, again slightly frustrated that he couldn't lay a hand on himself, despite the fact that he already had a hard-on again, after he thought about Larissa and his fantasy as a doctor in bed. Quickly he turned to the wall so that his mother wouldn't accidentally discover the bump in his blanket. After a short time he fell asleep.


The next morning he woke up as usual with a stand and realized that he had been lying on his back, so that it had been clearly visible through the thin blanket. He heard his mother already working in the kitchen and hoped fervently that she had not yet looked into his room and seen him lying there. Quickly he got up and went into the bathroom where the stand was already slightly weakened and he could empty his bladder. When he briefly touched his testicles he noticed that they were still sensitive to it, but not as much as yesterday. So he was already looking forward to this afternoon after school, where his mother was on the late shift again. However, he also noticed that his testicles still appeared larger and thicker than usual and his scrotum had taken on a slightly bluish - slightly greenish colour, as if from a bruise on his thigh. He quickly brushed his teeth and dressed himself, again wearing one of the few panties with the Superman sign on the front that his father had given him. He just loved those panties. Then he put on thin, knee-length pants and a T-shirt, grabbed his school backpack and went into the kitchen. His mother had already put out the cornflakes and a bowl for him, as well as the milk, and was just getting herself ready for work, although she didn't leave until around noon. She greeted him and gave him a kiss and asked if they wouldn't like to go to the swimming pool together again tomorrow afternoon, especially since she doesn't have to work late tomorrow. He hadn't been to the swimming pool for a long time and therefore had nothing against this suggestion, and he also didn't want to refuse his mother this wish, because she simply liked to spend time together with him, especially since his father had died. He quickly ate his cornflakes, said goodbye and set off for school.

On the way to school he noticed that he still had to walk with his legs apart slightly and, unlike usual, with fast steps, because otherwise he felt a very unpleasant feeling of pressure in his testicles again. Arriving in class he went directly to his seat and prepared himself for the lessons, as usual with a lot of care and also put the finished homework on the table, which is why the other students usually called him a nerd. When he was just in the preparations, Larissa came into the class and went to her seat as usual, while he secretly watched her. She, however, did not notice him as usual and started a happy conversation with one of the other girls in his class.

The rest of the day went quietly and habitually as usual and in the big break he also sat alone with his tray at a table in the corner as usual, while the other students ignored him. While he ate his meal, he saw Larissa sitting two tables away with her friends, chatting and eating happily, and he is already looking forward to the next, last lesson for today and especially for the next lesson at home. He finally wanted to finish what he could not do yesterday. At the thought of it he immediately got a hard-on again and his testicles started to hurt very easily and frightened he covered his loose T-shirt slightly over it and hoped that nobody around had observed this. It was simply necessary again and about time, because thinking only about Larissa for a week and not being able to do anything made him crazy and he got a hard-on again and again in the least desired moments. While he cleared his tray together and went straight to the dish return station, he saw Ralf in the dining room, which was rather untypical for him. Normally he spent the big break somewhere in the schoolyard with his mates and threatened or harassed any of the students outside. Ralf I sat down for a moment and discovered Larissa sitting at the table, whom he approached determinedly. Luckily he hadn't discovered Mike, who now watched how Ralf leaned slightly over to Larissa and said something. Larissa's facial expression darkened a little. She turned to Ralf, who then said something else and Larissa nodded to him. Her friends, who were sitting nearby and had possibly heard what Ralf had said to Larissa, sometimes made a frightened, sometimes amused face. Mike quickly left the dining room and went back to class.

When the break was over, the other students came back into the classroom and some of the girls looked at him strangely, where they would not even acknowledge him with their looks. Also Ralf came back from the break, looked over to him and grinned at him while he winked maliciously with his right eye. Then he went to his seat with a grin and sat down, too. Mike feared the worst, namely that Ralf had told his Larissa earlier, what had slipped out of his mouth by mistake yesterday in the park, namely that he was in love with her and that she was his fantasy with which he was secretly playing around with himself. He was afraid that Larissa would be really angry and disappointed by him and so he missed his chance to win her as his girlfriend some day. But when Larissa came into the classroom, her eyes waved around until he was in her field of vision. She came straight towards him and he would have loved to get under the table, but to his surprise she put on a light smile and looked at him friendly, while she came up to his table. There she stopped, bent down slightly towards him and said with a lovely smile on her face, "So you like me? I did not know that at all. That's sweet of you." Mike turned bright red in his face and only made stuttering noises, but Larissa added "Maybe we can talk after class somewhere quiet? "Mike just nodded confusedly and said nothing about it. "Why don't we just meet in the gym after class, okay? Then you'll get what you deserve," Larissa said while she continued to smile mysteriously and winked again before she went back to her seat.

Mike was absolutely confused. Could it be that Larissa liked him after all and he had been wrong about her? Maybe she felt similar to him after all and had never dared to say anything? Perhaps she loved him and wanted to tell him afterwards and perhaps give him a kiss? A kiss! His heart jumped a little higher at the thought of it and for the whole lesson he was relatively unfocused and could hardly wait for the end of the lesson...

to be continued...