03 December 2017

That's our street!

Brian pedaled as hard as he could down the hill on his bike. Glancing over his shoulder he saw the five girls riding hard behind him, chasing him. The girls were the Maple Ave. Gang or Maple Ave. Ball Busters, as the boys in the neighborhood called them. They were five girls, led by Clarissa, who ruled this street and the surrounding neighborhood. He knew better that to come here, but his Mom had told him to go to one of her friends house and get some tupper-ware that she had borrowed, and she had threatened to ground him when he argued. And now here he was, running for his life from these girls. He knew what they would do if they caught him. He was tearing down the hill, if he could make the corner, he was sure he could lose them. Reaching the bottom, he tried to hold the road, but he was moving too fast and couldn’t make the turn. His bike skidded and slid off the street, tossing him over the handlebars, off the road and down a hill. He landed hard at the edge of the woods where all the kids liked to go play. Getting up, his ankle hurt terribly, like it was sprained or worse. He started to half run and half limp into the trees, to try to lose the girls in there. About 30 seconds later, the girls pulled up and jumped off their bikes to follow him. He could here them calling after him. “Fan out, don’t let him get away,” Clarissa ordered her troops. The girls did so, spreading out and running into the woods. About a minute later Julie yelled out, “I see him!” Brian was about 150m in front of her, limping away. Julie charged at him and tackled Brian around the legs, taking him down. Brian rolled over as Julie climbed on top of him, trying to pin him. But Brian was much larger than she was and he easily threw her off. He struggled to his feet, but one of the twins, Darlene, ran up and pushed him down. Her sister, Rachael, then came in and the two of them, along with Julie began wrestling with Brian. The three were able to hold him down and when Megan arrived to help, it was a very one-sided match. Megan pulled several long lengths of thin rope out of her backpack and tossed them to the girls. They each quickly tied the rope around Brian’s wrists and ankles. Each girl then got up and wrapped the rope around several trees nearby. As Brian tried to get himself free, the girls each pulled hard, stretching him out by his arms and legs. He had managed to get to his feet and was standing when they strung him up. He struggled as hard as he could and even managed to pull back some of the bindings, but with a girls on each limb, he could not get free and tired quickly. After about 30 seconds of struggling, they pulled the ropes taunt and held him fast. Clarissa stepped forward from the edge of the trees and looked Brian up and down, “You should have stayed off Maple like we told you last time. Now you’re going to pay.” Clarissa was about 13 years old. She was pretty with long blonde hair. “No wait, my mom sent me here, it’s not my fault.” “Shut up!” Clarissa yelled at him as she lunged forward. Kicking her sneaker up, she slammed it between his legs and kicked him square in the balls. Brian was only wearing light shorts as it was a hot summer day, which provided no protection at all. “Yyyyaaaahhhhh!!!” he yelled out ad his balls took a hard kick from the girl. Brian was about one year older than Clarissa and much larger, but with his legs held wide open he was helpless and his balls felt like they were on fire. Clarissa stepped back smiling. She had kicked lots of guys like this and loved it. She wanted to savor the pain he was feeling. His face was contorted and panting from the pain she caused. Kicking him again, she blasted her foot into his testicles a second time. “Ahhhhhhh!” he cried out again in tremendous pain. The third kick to his nuts took his breath away. Clarissa’s friends were hollering and yelling at them, “Again, again.” “Kick him harder!” They were laughing and enjoying his agony. Clarissa stepped forward and drove the tip of her knee right up between his legs, nearly crushing his testicles, not holding back at all. “OH GOD!! MY BALLS!!” Brian screamed at the top of his lungs. “I warned you this would happen, asshole. You should have believed me.” “I do, I do. Please stop. I’m sorry.” Brian begged and all the girls laughed at the sight of this big guy whining. Brian nearly collapsed with the pain and he would of but the girls anchored themselves and held him up. Darlene put her foot against the tree and used it to anchor herself and gain leverage as she pulled his arm tighter. His nuts were in agony and he had stabbing pain shooting from his groin up into his abdomen. Clarissa could see him sagging, “Hold him tight!” she ordered the other girls and they all followed Darlene’s lead and pulled Brian tight, hoisting him up. “Please, I’m sorry, stop, please,” he begged. “I don’t think you are and I’m going to make sure you really are sorry,” Clarissa replied. She then slipped her small hand up into his shorts, between his thigh and the fabric. Reaching his underwear, she forced her fingers past it and felt his genitals. Smiling broadly, she let her fingers explore his crotch until she found his balls. Grabbing them harshly, she let her hand wrap around them and began squeezing. “UUUHHHHHHH UUHHHHHH UUUUHHHH!!!!!!” Brian began grunting in pain as Clarissa began applying more and more pressure. “Hold him tight, he’s gonna buck when I really let em have it,” she told the others and they all anchored themselves as they watched, enthralled. Bracing herself, Clarissa clamped down as tight as she could. “AAIIEIIEEEEEE!” Brian outright screamed for the first time. Clarissa was gritting her teeth and she began sweating as she worked as hard as she could on his balls. Brian was also sweating. The horrible pain he was in made his vision turn red. “Pp-p-llea-s-s-e, you’re crushing them, I can’t take it.” Brian whimpered softly. Then he did begin to buck, just as Clarissa had predicted. Brian began yanking on his bindings, desperate to get even one hand free. The girls all pulled harder. Clarissa, for her part, began working his balls even more as well. Loving his obvious agony and his thrashing that told her she was being successful, she began yanking on his nuts, jerking them side to side as much as his underwear would allow. This motion put even more pressure on his testicles and Brian began shrieking, the shrillness giving away the horrible pain he was in. All the girls were enraptured by what they were doing. None of them felt sorry for him, they wanted it to continue and intensify. The only thing four of the girls would have changed is that they wanted to be hurting him, but they knew Clarissa wouldn’t relinquish her prizes. After another two minutes or so that seemed like an eternity for Brian, his voice began to crack from the non-stop yelling and Clarissa finally let go. Brian went limp, “Drop him,” she said and the girls complied, letting his body drop to the ground. He was helpless and went limp, falling to the ground. “Get his pants off and hold his legs open,” Clarissa ordered. Brian lost sight of her and felt the other girls yanking at his shorts, pulling them down to his ankles and then off. He also heard them giggling as they did so. Finally, he felt four pairs of small hands grab his ankles and lift them up into the air and hold them wide. He tried to cover himself but the girls stepped on his arms and pinned them just as Clarissa came back into view. “I warned you not to come to this street again. So now you’re gonna get yours.” Clarissa raised a large flat rock she had picked up from the creek bed over her head and looked down at Brian. He saw the rock and her targets and screamed, “NOOOOO!!! YOU CAN”T!!!!! YOU’LL CRUSH THEM!!!!” Clarissa slammed the rock down between his legs and Brian’s entire body tensed, rigid as a board, waiting for the flood of pain or to pass out. After a few long seconds, he finally took a breath and opened his eyes. Looking between his legs, he saw the rock imbedded in the soft ground about an inch from his balls and let out a sigh of relief. Clarissa grabbed him by the hair, “Next time I will pop them, asshole.” She then raised her foot and stomped down on his nuts causing Brian to cry out and curl into a fetal position holding his battered testicles. “C’mon Clarissa, let’s crush em. He deserves it.” Darlene begged. “No, next time maybe. That’s enough for today.” The girls walked off laughing and mimicking his yelps and facial expressions. Getting on their bikes, they rode back up Maple Avenue.

17 July 2017

Niklas und seine teuflischen Schwestern (1)

Niklas war 13, fast 14 Jahre alt und spielte mit seinem Schulfreund Jakob im Garten mit ihren neuen Drohnen. Sie hatten noch 3 Tage bis zur Sommerpause und beide entspannen sich nur noch in ihrer Badehose im Garten. Im Garten befand sich auch ein kleiner aufblasbarer Pool, der in den letzten Tagen sehr oft genutzt wurde. Niklas hat auch zwei jüngere Schwestern - Leonie und Sarah - Zwillinge - die jetzt 10 Jahre alt waren. An diesem Wochenende besuchten sein Onkel und seine Tante mit ihrer Tochter Sandra die Familie. Und während die Erwachsenen im Biergarten unten in der Stadt waren, waren die Kinder noch zu Hause. Sandra war ein gutes Jahr älter als Niklas und Jakob, aber sie war im Haus und beschäftigte sich mit den Schwestern von Niklas. Sie sprachen über viele typische Mädchen-Zeugs (Leonie hat vor kurzem schon ihre Tage bekommen und hat eine Menge Fragen dazu) wie Schule, Jungs, erste Küsse und.... Außerdem lief der Fernseher. Sarah erzählte Sandra, dass ihr Bruder Niklas und seine Freunde von Zeit zu Zeit nicht fair zu seinen Schwestern waren, zum Beispiel, wenn sie auch im Pool schwimmen gehen wollen. So drückten sie ihre Köpfe unter Wasser oder schossen mit ihren Wasserpistolen eiskaltes Wasser auf die beiden Mädchen. Aber sie waren stark und viel älter und die beiden Zwillinge hatten keine Chance gegen die beiden. Sandra wunderte sich ein wenig darüber und fragte Leonie und Sarah, ob sie nichts über die Schwachstelle der Jungen wissen würden? Beide verneinten und fragen, was Sandra damit meinte.

So begann Sandra, die beiden jüngeren Mädchen ein wenig tiefer über die Unterschiede zwischen Jungen und Mädchen aufzuklären und dass diese besonderen Jungenteile, auf die diese so stolz waren, der Schwachpunkt sein würden, der ihren starken Bruder und seinen Freund in schwache, willige Lämmer verwandeln könnte. Das waren keine ganz neuen Nachrichten für Leonie und Sarah, da ihre Mutter ihnen diese Tatsache vorletztes Wochenende bei einem Fernsehabend schon erzählt hatte, aber sie wollen viel mehr darüber wissen, da sie damals nicht ganz so alles begriffen hatten. Sandra nahm die Fernbedienung vom Fernseher und schaltete durch die Kanäle, bis sie den richtigen fand, wo gerade eine Show mit lustigen Heimvideos lief. Sie sagte beiden Mädchen, sie sollten sich das Video ansehen und nach einigen Minuten begann ein Video von der Art, wie in fast allen Episoden, jetzt mit einem Jungen auf einem Skateboard, der versuchte, einen Stunt auf einem Geländer zu bewältigen und wie so oft passierte es, dass das Board und seine Füße weggerutschten. Er rutschte mit einem Bein links und dem anderen rechts an dem dicken Geländer entlang und landete mit der Mitte genau auf der breiten Handschiene. Ein kurzer Schrei und dann rollte sich der Junge zu einem Ball auf dem Boden zusammen. Sandra fragt beide Mädchen, ob sie jetzt gesehen und verstanden haben, was sie meinte. Leonie und Sarah blickten mit großen Augen zurück, aber mit kurzer Erinnerung an das, was ihre Mutter erzählt hatte und antworteten mehr als Frage, "er hat Schmerzen dort, wo die kleinen Babys wohnen?". Also drehte Sandra den Kopf zum Fenster, sah Niklas und Jakob wild im Pool spielen und sagte beiden Mädchen, dass jetzt die Zeit für einen guten Vergeltungsakt gekommen sei. Aber Sarah und Leonie verstanden es immer noch nicht und sahen Sandra mit Fragezeichen in den Augen an. Leonie erzählte ihr, dass Niklas kein Skateboard hatte. Also holte Sandra die Begründung etwas tiefer aus. Erstens war es Sommer und sehr warm draußen und da beide Jungen nicht viel Kleidung trugen, nur einen dünnen Badehose, was es viel einfacher machen würde, die Ziele zu fixieren. Außerdem hätten ihr Bruder und sein Freund ein fast perfektes Alter, um weder noch kleine Jungen oder schon richtige Männer zu sein. Sie fragt, ob die Mädchen bemerkt haben, dass ihr Bruder in seinem Pipi-Bereich seit einigen Monaten viel größer wurde. Beide bestätigten und erzählten Sandra zudem, dass als ihre Mutter ihr das mit den Jungen und den kleinen Babies erst erklärt hatten und sie dabei bei Niklas sehen konnten, dass er da unten einen kleinen Bart bekam und auch, dass er seit einigen Wochen nicht mehr zusammen mit den Mädchen badet oder duscht, wie früher. Und Leonie fügte hinzu, dass sie heute Morgen noch gedacht hat, dass die Badehose der beiden Jungen doch eigentlich viel zu klein sei und warum sie ihre Eltern nicht fragten, eine neue zu kaufen. Aber sie ignorierte das dann weiter. Sandra lächelte erneut und sagte den beiden, dass dies auch eine Tatsache sei, dass sie im perfekten Alter sei. Die kleinen Kugeln ihres Bruders wuchsen jetzt in der Pubertät, so wie Mädchen in dieser Phase ihre "Erdbeer"-Tage bekommen. Diese Phase beginnt zwischen der 7. und 8. Klasse und der Puller und die kleinen Kugeln der Jungen würden in sehr kurzer Zeit größer werden. Und durch diesen wachsenden Effekt passieren zwei Dinge: 1. die Unterwäsche sowie einige Badehosen waren meist innerhalb kurzer Zeit zu klein und ihre stetig wachsenden Kugeln wurden sehr stark in diese Kleidung gepresst und als 2. Punkt wurden diese wachsenden Kugeln während dieser kurzen Zeit extrem empfindlich. Ein oder zwei Jahre später nahm diese Empfindlichkeit ab, ging aber nicht verloren. Und das sei es, was sie vorher meinte, dass Niklas und Jakob das fast perfekte Alter haben würden, da ihre Kugeln eben jetzt gerade wuchsen und auch sehr sensibel waren. Eine perfekte Phase für ein Mädchen, um eine Ungerechtigkeit zurückzuzahlen.

Sie erklärte Leonie und Sarah den Plan und die Schritte für beide und gab ihnen einige Hinweise, dass der beste Weg ein unerwarteter und überraschender Angriff auf diese Spezialteile der Jungen wäre. Nach einigen Minuten beendete sie ihren Teufelsplan und beide Mädchen konnten den Moment ihrer Rache kaum erwarten. Also schlug Sandra vor, dass sie alle anfangen sollten, sich auch ihre Kleidung zu wechseln, bereit für einen Sprung in den kalten und frischen Pool. Nur 1 Minute später standen Leonie und Sarah wieder die Treppe unten und waren bereit für die erste Erfahrung gegen ihren Bruder. Sandra kam 3 Minuten später auch in einem schönen blauen Bikini und sie sah für ihre 15 Jahre sehr gut aus. So gingen alle drei Mädchen in den Garten, wo die Jungs noch im Pool spielten. Sandra ging auf die Sonnenliege, schob die Sonnenbrille über ihre Augen und legte sich auf die Liege. Beide Jungs unterbrachen auf natürliche Art ihr Wrestling-Spiel und wurden auf Sandra mit ihrem Bikini und den beiden normalen aber straffen  Brüsten im Inneren aufmerksam. Aber sie waren mit 13 Jahren typische Jungen..... Sandra unterdrückte ein leichtes Lächeln mit dem Wissen, was in Kürze passieren würde, und nahm ihr Smartphone, um so zu tun, als ob sie alle ignorieren würde, um auf Facebook oder anderswo zu surfen. In Wirklichkeit aktiviert sie die Kamera und konfiguriert die Auflösung auf 4k, um ein sehr gutes Video der nächsten Minuten aufzunehmen und zoomt etwas hinein, um den besten Bildausschnitt zu erhalten. Inzwischen hatten Leonie und Sarah die Gartenbank in den Bereich des Pools und der Sonnenbank geschleppt und als Niklas sie fragte, was sie da tun, antwortete Leonie, dass sie ein lustiges Spiel zusammen spielen wollen und ob er und Jakob aus dem Pool kommen könnten, um mitzumachen. Um nicht der böse Bruder in Anwesenheit von Sandra zu sein, sondern der nette und hilfsbereite Bruder, der gerne mit seinen kleinen Schwestern spielte, stimmte er zu und verließ mit Jakob den Pool. Sandra bemerkte durch ihre Sonnenbrille, dass ihrer beider Badehosen nass und sehr eng waren und dass Wasser über ihre Beine nach unten floss. Sie erinnert sich, was für ein kleiner kindlicher Junge Niklas bei ihrem Besuch im letzten Sommer war und wie gut gewachsen Niklas jetzt vor allem zwischen seinen Beinen war. Wow, war das Erste, was sie über dieses großen Ausbuchtungen von Niklas und seinem Freund Jakob denken konnte. Heimlich macht sie auch ein paar Fotos mit Zoom, während sie weiterhin völlige abwesend ein Fokussierung auf ihr Smartphone simulierte. Huh, sie fühlte etwas Kribbeln zwischen ihren Beinen, als sie über die nächsten Minuten nachdachte, da sie vor ca. 2 Jahren damit begonnen hatte dieser speziellen Region der Jungen und die mögliche Macht und Kontrolle, die Mädchen  darüber haben, Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken. Es war also eine sehr willkommene Gelegenheit, als Leonie und Sarah ihr von den Taten ihres Bruders erzählten und um Hilfe baten. Sie konnte jetzt im vergangenen Schuljahr, zusammen mit zwei ihrer Freundinnen, bereits einige Erfahrungen dazu sammeln, aber das wird eine andere Geschichte sein.

Die Gartenbank wurde nun zwischen Pool und Sandras Sonnenliege positioniert, so dass Sandra einen leicht schrägen Blick darauf hatte. Sie hatte zuvor Leonie und Sarah angewiesen, es so zu positionieren, denn dieser Winkel war perfekt für ein gutes Video. Die Mädchen baten nun Niklas und Jakob, sich auf die Rückseite der Bank zu begeben. Dann wiesen sie die Jungen an, sich niederzuknien und ihren Oberkörper durch den Raum zwischen Rückenlehne und Sitz zu stecken und die Arme nach vorne gestreckt zu legen. Beide Jungen folgten den Anweisungen und präsentieren Sandra nun ihren Hintern, während ihr Oberkörper auf dem Sitz der Bank lag und ihre Arme und Köpfe leicht vor der Bank herunterhingen. Nun ging Sarah mit ein paar Seilen in der Hand an die Vorderseite der Bank und sagte den Jungs, dass sie für das Spiel auch ihre Hände auf der Bank befestigen müsse. Dabei arbeitete Leonie auf der Rückseite und fixierte auch mit einigen Seilen das rechte Knie ihres Bruders auf der rechten Seite der Bank und das linke Knie von Jakob auf der linken Seite der Bank. Danach band sie die Knie  in der Mitte zusammen und befestigte es etwas darüber an der Rückenlehne. Niklas und Jakob wunderten sich ein wenig über dieses Spiel und die Dinge, die die Niklas Schwestern mit ihnen machten, aber dadurch, dass Sandra zusah, wollten sie keine Angst zeigen. Nach Abschluss der Fixierung gingen die Mädchen zur Vorderseite der Bank und erklärten, dass jede von ihnen beiden dieses Spiel mit jedem von ihm spielen würde. Dann gingen sie wieder hinter die Bank und blickten mit großen Augen und einer faszinierenden Vorfreude zu Sandra hinüber. Diese nickte den beiden Mädchen nur unauffällig zu, so dass sie sich daran erinnerten, was Sandra ihnen zuvor noch im Haus erläutert hatte.

Sandra war wirklich fasziniert von er Sicht auf die beiden Jungen mit hochgestreckten Hintern in ihre Richtung und den gefesselten Beinen an der Bank, so dass beide Jungen mit gut gespreizten Beinen knieten. Die Ausbeulung zwischen ihren Beinen zeigt sehr klare Konturen von zwei großen Bällen, die in ihre zu kleinen und nassen Badehosen gedrückt wurden. Dies war eine perfekte Voraussetzung, denn so konnten sie sich nicht zur Seite bewegen. Huh, das Kribbeln im Bauch wurde größer. Sie nickte erneut den beiden Mädchen zu, dass sie ihre beiden Ziele genau unter die Lupe nehmen sollten und dass es sehr wichtig wäre, diese beim ersten Versuch richtig zu treffen. Sie hatte ihnen erklärt, der beste Weg in dieser Position kniend und von hinten wäre der Spann und es gäbe zwei Techniken. Zuerst mit voller Kraft zutreten und nach dem Kontakt mit den Zielen muss der Spann die Ziele für mindestens 1 Sekunde an den Beckenknochen drücken, um zu vermeiden, dass das Ziel vom Spann wegrutscht. Das würde die Wirkung verstärken. Die zweite Technik, aber eine komplizierte, wäre, auch die Ziele mit voller Kraft zu treffen, aber die Bewegung des Fußes direkt nach dem Kontakt zu stoppen und das Pressen an den Beckenknochen zu vermeiden. Dies ist eine Technik aus der asiatischen Kampfkunst und würde nur die Energie des Trittes auf die Ziele übertragen, aber durch den nur sehr kurzen Kontakt kann die Energie nicht durch das Beckenknochen oder zurück zum Fuß der Mädchen fließen. Nein, die Kraft wird innerhalb ihrer Ziele schwingen und sich nur langsam abbauen. Dies würde zu einem Gefühl führen, als wenn mehrere Tritte pro Sekunde bei jedem Schwingen innerhalb der Ziele ausgeführt würden. Beide Mädchen hatten sehr interessiert zugehört und da Leonie bereits in der Schule im Verein Fußball spielte, entschied sie sich, die zweite Technik direkt auszuprobieren, während Sarah die normalen Wege gehen würde. Sandra positionierte ihr Smartphone erneut und wartete gespannt auf die nächsten Sekunden.

Sarah und Leonie stellten sich jeweils hinter Niklas und Jakob auf. Leonie hinter ihrem Bruder, während Sarah hinter Jakob stand. Dann sprach Leonie kurz mit Niklas, dass sie jetzt die Kontrolle über die Jungs haben würden und diese dürfen keine Wünsche von Leonie oder Sarah ablehnen oder sie je weider schikanieren. Niklas antwortete mit spöttischer Stimme, dass er und Jakob auch viel stärker und älter seien und sie würden alles tun, was sie wollten und wann immer sie wollten, und kein kleines schwaches Mädchen könne diese Tatsache ändern. Sandra beginnt wieder zu lächeln, als sie diese arroganten Worte hörte, und Leonie antwortete direkt, dass sie ihnen beiden zeigen würden, wie viel Macht seine kleinen Schwestern haben. Und dass er nach Beendigung dieses Spiels noch einmal über seine Worte nachdenken wird.

Dann mit einem konzentrierten Blick auf die gut sichtbaren großen Bälle, die perfekt zwischen seinen gespreizten Beinen positioniert waren, machte sie einen Schritt zurück und dann wie ein gespannter Bogen schoss ihr rechter Fuß sehr schnell nach vorne, um in der Mitte der beiden Beide einen perfekten Kontakt zu bekommen. Und als ob sie es lange Zeit trainierte hätte, stoppte ihr Fuß die Bewegung nach vorne in dem Moment des Kontakts mit den beiden Bällen, ohne diese gegen das Becken von Niklas zu pressen. Durch die nasse Badehose von Niklas gab es ein schönes und lautes Geräusch, als sie ihr Ziel traf. In der Zwischenzeit konnte Sarah nicht warten, bis ihre Schwester fertig war, weil sie aufgeregt war, diese spannenden Dinge mit einem Jungen zu machen. So wie Leonie konzentriert sie ihren Blick auf die ebenfalls gute Größe der Teile von Jakob zwischen seinen breit gespreizten Beinen und war nur für einen Moment etwas überrascht, als sie eine kleine Bewegung nach oben von der rechten Kugel sah. Aber das war nur ein Teil einer Sekunde, bevor sie zwei Schritte zurückging und mit einem kurzen Anlauf brachte sie ihren Fuß mit aller Kraft, die sie sammeln konnte, in ihr Ziel. Während ihr Fuß nach oben stieg, bis er von einem harten Beckenknochen gestoppt wurde, spürte sie die leicht warmen und prallen Nüsse, die nun stärker auf ihren Spann gedrückt wurden. Das war wirklich fantastisch! Leonie und Sarah hatten ihr Ziel fast im selben Moment getroffen und das Geräusch beider Einschläge auf den nassen Speedo-Badehosen klang wie ein kurzer Schuss mit einem Echo.

Nur 1-2 Sekunden später erreichte der Effekt und die Überraschung das Gehirn von Niklas und Jakob und beide schrien laut auf, als ein unglaublicher Schmerz in ihre Leisten explodierte. Sie versuchte, ihre Hände unwillkürlich in ihre gequälten Leisten zu bewegen, um die vibrierenden Kugeln zu halten und den noch wachsenden Schmerz in ihrem Inneren zu reduzieren, aber aufgrund der festen Arme war dies unmöglich. Auch der 2. Instinkt, die Knie zu schließen, war unmöglich und es sah nach einem kleinen lustigen Kampf zwischen Niklas und Jakob aus, als jeder von ihnen versuchte, seine Beine mit dem gefesselten inneren Knie zu schließen. Sandra war sehr begeistert von dieser Szene, wie beide Jungen in ihrer festen Position stöhnen und jammern und wie sie ihre Körper schütteln, um zu versuchen, aus dieser unbequemen Position zu entkommen. Das war wirklich großartig und das aufgenommene Video würde der Hit unter ihren Freundinnen sein, wenn sie wieder in der Schule war. Leonie und Sarah beobachteten diese Szene mit Spannung, Interesse und Erstaunen und Sandra konnte sehen, wie es in den Köpfen beider Mädchen immer mehr Teufelspläne gab, jetzt, da sie gelernt hatten, wie man einen Jungen kontrollieren kann und wie schwach er nach diesem einfachen Angriff auf die Ausbeulung zwischen ihren Beinen war. Oh je, das wird eine harte Ferienzeit für ihren Bruder werden, sowie für die Klassenkameraden der Mädchen oder andere gleichaltrige Jungs in ihrer Nachbarschaft für die nächsten Jahre. Das konnte Sandra bereits sehen, aber weiter mit einem kleinen inneren Lächeln.

Nach einigen Minuten des interessanten Betrachten der beiden Jungen, änderten Sarah und Leonie mit leichtem Kichern ihre Position, um hinter dem jeweils anderen Jungen zu stehen, der noch auf der Bank gefesselt war, aber nicht mehr so laut stöhnte. Die Jungen konzentrierten sich noch immer auf ihren inneren Schmerz, der derzeit etwas abnahm und beachteten die beiden kleinen Teufelsmädchen nicht, die in diesem Moment mit ihren rechten Beinen zurückgingen, um den zweiten Versuch auf die Jungenpackungen zu vollführen. Sandra konnte ein größeres Kribbeln und ein wenig Feuchtigkeit zwischen ihren Beinen spüren und das Summen wuchs nun mehr in ihrem Körper, während sie diese großartigen Szenen sah. Sie wusste bereits aus ihren Erfahrungen vom letzten Schuljahr, dass der 2. Tritt in die Hoden eines Jungen viel viel schmerzhafter war als der erste, da ihre Bälle bereits vom ersten Tritt stark angeschwollen waren und nun noch fester in die enge Speedo-Badehose gequetscht  wurden. Und sie bemerkte zusätzlich, dass beide Jungs auch den nächsten Tritt absolut nicht erwarten werden, dann aber vielleicht den darauf folgenden. Ok, Leonie und Sarah haben den Jungs zuerst gesagt, dass jede von ihnen das Spiel mit jedem der Jungs spielen würde, aber mit einem Blick in die Gesichter dieser kleinen Mädchen erkannte sie, dass beide Mädchen dieses Versprechen nicht halten würden und mit dieser neuen Erfahrung ein drittes, viertes oder fünftes Mal für die Jungen folgen würden, bevor Sandra es stoppen musste. Sie wollte die Babymacher ihres Cousin nicht dauerhaft schädigen und sie würde auch mit Leonie und Sarah sprechen müssen, dass sie nicht zu hart zu ihrem Bruder sein sollten in den nächsten Wochen, wenn sie später wenn sie groß sind vielleicht doch noch Neffen oder Nichten zu ihrer Familie zählen wollen.

Aber sie wusste nach dem heutigen Tag sehr genau, dass gerade für den ab morgen startenden 3-wöchigen Campingurlaub, an dem sie dieses Jahr leider nicht teilnehmen konnte, eine schwere Zeit für Niklas und Jakobs große Eier anbrach.

.......Fortsetzung folgt

Niklas and his devil sisters (Pt 1)

Niklas was 13, almost 14 years old and played with his school friend Jakob in the garden with their new drones. They still had 3 days until the summer break and both only relax in their swimming trunks in the garden. In the garden was also a small inflatable pool, which was used in the last days very often. Niklas also has two younger sisters - Leonie and Sarah - twins - who were now 10 years old. This weekend his uncle and his aunt visited the family with their daughter Sandra. And while the adults were down in the town in the beer garden, the children were still at home. Sandra was a good year older than Niklas and Jakob, but she was in the house and occupied herself with the sisters of Niklas. They talked about a lot of typical girl stuff (Leonie recently got her period and has a lot of questions about it) like school, boys, first kisses and.... Also the TV was on. Sarah told Sandra that her brother Niklas and his friends weren't fair to his sisters from time to time, for example when they wanted to go swimming in the pool. So they pressed their heads under water or shot ice-cold water at the two girls with their water pistols. But they were strong and much older and the two twins had no chance against them. Sandra wondered a little and asked Leonie and Sarah if they knew anything about the boys' weakness? Both denied it and asked what Sandra meant.

So Sandra began to enlighten the two younger girls a little more deeply about the differences between boys and girls and that these special boy parts of which they were so proud would be the weak point that could turn their strong brother and his friend into weak, willing lambs. This wasn't entirely new news for Leonie and Sarah, as their mother had already told them this fact the weekend before last on a television evening, but they want to know much more about it, as they hadn't quite understood everything at the time. Sandra took the remote from the TV and switched through the channels until she found the right one where there was a show of funny home videos. She told both girls to watch the video and after a few minutes a video of the kind seen in almost all episodes now began with a boy on a skateboard trying to do a stunt on a railing and, as so often happened, the board and his feet slipped away. He slipped with one leg left and the other right along the thick railing and landed with the middle exactly on the wide handrail. A short scream and then the boy rolled up to a ball on the floor. Sandra asks both girls if they have now seen and understood what she meant. Leonie and Sarah looked back with big eyes, but with a brief reminder of what their mother had told them and answered more than a question, "he's in pain where the little babies live? So Sandra turned her head to the window, saw Niklas and Jakob playing wildly in the pool and told both girls that now was the time for a good retaliation. But Sarah and Leonie still didn't understand and looked at Sandra with question marks in her eyes. Leonie told her that Niklas didn't have a skateboard. So Sandra went a little deeper into the reasoning. First, it was summer and very warm outside and since both boys did not wear much clothes, just a thin swimsuit, which would make it much easier to fix the goals. In addition, her brother and his friend would have an almost perfect age to be neither little boys nor real men. She asks if the girls had noticed that their brother had become much taller in his pee area in recent months. Both confirmed and also told Sandra that when her mother had first explained to her about the boys and the little babies and they could see at Niklas that he got a little beard down there and also that he hasn't been bathing or showering with the girls for a few weeks anymore, like before. And Leonie added that this morning she still thought that the two boys' swimming trunks were actually much too small and why they didn't ask their parents to buy a new one. But she continued to ignore it. Sandra smiled again and told them that it was also a fact that she was at the perfect age. Her brother's little bullets now grew during puberty, just as girls get their "strawberry" days at this stage. This phase starts between 7th and 8th grade and the puller and the small balls of the boys would get bigger in a very short time. And by this growing effect two things happen: 1. the underwear and some swimsuits were usually too small within a short time and their steadily growing balls were pressed very strongly into these clothes and as a 2nd point these growing balls became extremely sensitive during this short time. One or two years later this sensitivity decreased but was not lost. And that is what she thought before that Niklas and Jakob would have the almost perfect age, since their balls were growing just now and were also very sensitive. A perfect phase for a girl to repay an injustice.

She explained to Leonie and Sarah the plan and steps for both and gave them some clues that the best way would be an unexpected and surprising attack on these special parts of the boys. After a few minutes she finished her devil's plan and both girls could hardly wait for the moment of their revenge. So Sandra suggested that they all start to change their clothes too, ready to jump into the cold and fresh pool. Just 1 minute later, Leonie and Sarah were standing down the stairs again, ready for their first experience against their brother. Sandra arrived 3 minutes later also in a nice blue bikini and she looked very good for her 15 years. So all three girls went into the garden where the boys were still playing in the pool. Sandra walked on the sunbed, pushed the sunglasses over her eyes and lay down on it. Both boys naturally interrupted their wrestling game and became aware of Sandra with her bikini and the two normal but tight breasts inside. But at the age of 13 they were typical boys..... Sandra suppressed a light smile, knowing what was about to happen, and took her smartphone to pretend she was ignoring everyone to surf Facebook or elsewhere. In reality, she activates the camera and configures the resolution to 4k to record a very good video of the next few minutes and zooms in a bit to get the best picture. Meanwhile Leonie and Sarah had dragged the garden bench into the pool and tanning area and when Niklas asked them what they were doing, Leonie replied that they wanted to play a fun game together and if he and Jakob could come out of the pool to join in. Not to be the bad brother in the presence of Sandra, but the nice and helpful brother who liked to play with his little sisters, he agreed and left the pool with Jakob. Sandra noticed through her sunglasses that both her swimming trunks were wet and very tight and that water was flowing down her legs. She remembers what a little boy Niklas was during her visit last summer and how well grown Niklas was now, especially between his legs. Wow, was the first thing she could think about this big bulge of Niklas and his friend Jakob. She also secretly takes a few photos with zoom, while still completely absent simulating a focus on her smartphone. Huh, she felt some tingling between her legs as she thought about the next minutes as she had started about 2 years ago to pay attention to this particular region of boys and the possible power and control girls have over it. So it was a very welcome opportunity when Leonie and Sarah told her about their brother's deeds and asked for help. She was able to gain some experience in the past school year, together with two of her friends, but that will be a different story.

The garden bench was now positioned between the pool and Sandra's sunbed, so that Sandra had a slightly slanted view of it. She had previously instructed Leonie and Sarah to position it as this angle was perfect for a good video. The girls now asked Niklas and Jakob to go to the back of the bench. Then they instructed the boys to kneel down and put their upper bodies through the space between the backrest and seat, with their arms stretched forward. Both boys followed the instructions and now present Sandra with their butts as their upper bodies lay on the seat of the bench and their arms and heads hung slightly down in front of the bench. Now Sarah went to the front of the bench with a few ropes in her hand and told the boys that she also had to fasten her hands to the bench for the game. Leonie worked on the back and also used some ropes to fix her brother's right knee on the right side of the bench and Jacob's left knee on the left side of the bench. She then tied the knees together in the middle and fastened it to the backrest slightly above it. Niklas and Jakob wondered a little about this game and the things the Niklas sisters did with them, but by watching Sandra, they didn't want to show fear. When the fixation was complete, the girls went to the front of the bench and declared that each of them would play this game with each of him. Then they went behind the bench again and looked over at Sandra with big eyes and a fascinating anticipation. She only nodded to the two girls inconspicuously, so that they remembered what Sandra had explained to them before in the house.

Sandra was really fascinated by the view of the two boys with their butts stretched out in their direction and their legs tied to the bench, so that both boys kneeled with well spread legs. The bulge between her legs shows very clear contours of two large balls pressed into her too small and wet swimming trunks. This was a perfect condition because they could not move to the side. Huh, the tingling in their stomach got bigger. She nodded to the two girls again that they should take a close look at their two goals and that it would be very important to hit them right the first time. She had explained to them that the best way to kneel in this position and from behind would be the instep and there would be two techniques. First kick with full force and after contact with the targets, the instep must press the targets against the pelvic bone for at least 1 second to prevent the target from slipping away from the instep. This would increase the effect. The second technique, but a complicated one, would be to hit the targets with full force, but to stop the movement of the foot immediately after contact and avoid pressing on the pelvic bones. This is a technique from Asian martial arts and would only transfer the energy of the kick to the targets, but through the very short contact the energy cannot flow through the pelvic bone or back to the girls foot. No, the force will swing within its targets and only slowly decompose. This would lead to a feeling as if several kicks per second would be performed on each swing within the targets. Both girls had listened with great interest and since Leonie was already playing football in the club at school, she decided to try the second technique directly while Sarah would go the normal way. Sandra repositioned her smartphone and waited eagerly for the next seconds.

Sarah and Leonie lined up behind Niklas and Jakob respectively. Leonie stood behind her brother, while Sarah stood behind Jacob. Then Leonie spoke briefly to Niklas that they would now have control over the boys and they may not refuse any wishes from Leonie or Sarah or ever harass them again. Niklas replied in a mocking voice that he and Jacob were also much stronger and older and they would do anything they wanted and whenever they wanted, and no little weak girl could change that fact. Sandra starts smiling again when she hears these arrogant words, and Leonie answers directly that they would both show them how much power his little sisters have. And that he would think about his words again after this game was over.

Then, with a concentrated look at the well visible big balls perfectly positioned between his spread legs, she took a step back and then, like a taut bow, her right foot shot very quickly forward to get perfect contact in the middle of the two. And as if training it for a long time, her foot stopped moving forward at the moment of contact with the two balls without pressing them against Niklas' pelvis. Through Niklas' wet swimming trunks there was a beautiful and loud noise as she hit her target. In the meantime, Sarah couldn't wait for her sister to finish because she was excited to do these exciting things with a boy. Like Leonie, she focused her gaze on the equally good size of Jakob's pieces between his wide spread legs and was only a little surprised for a moment when she saw a small upward movement from the right ball. But that was only a part of a second before she took two steps back and with a short run she brought her foot with all the strength she could muster into her goal. As her foot climbed up until it was stopped by a hard pelvic bone, she felt the slightly warm and bulging nuts now pressing harder on her instep. That was really fantastic! Leonie and Sarah had hit their target almost at the same moment and the sound of both impacts on the wet Speedo swim pants sounded like a short shot with an echo.

Only 1-2 seconds later the effect and surprise reached the brain of Niklas and Jakob and both screamed out loud as an incredible pain exploded into their groins. She tried to move her hands involuntarily into her tortured groins to hold the vibrating balls and reduce the still growing pain inside her, but due to the firm arms this was impossible. Also the 2nd instinct to close the knees was impossible and it looked like a little funny fight between Niklas and Jakob as each of them tried to close his legs with the tied inner knee. Sandra was very excited by this scene as both boys moan and moan in their fixed position and shake their bodies to try to escape from this uncomfortable position. That was really great and the video would be the hit among her friends when she was back at school. Leonie and Sarah watched this scene with tension, interest and amazement and Sandra could see how there were more and more devil's plans in the minds of both girls now that they had learned how to control a boy and how weak he was after this simple attack on the bulge between their legs. Oh dear, this will be a hard holiday time for her brother, as well as for the girls' classmates or other boys of the same age in her neighborhood for the next few years. Sandra could already see that, but with a little inner smile.

After a few minutes of interesting observation of the two boys, Sarah and Leonie changed position with a slight giggle to stand behind the other boy, who was still tied up on the bench but no longer moaned so loudly. The boys were still concentrating on their inner pain, which was diminishing and ignoring the two little devil girls who were going back with their right legs at that moment to perform the second attempt on the boys' packs. Sandra could feel a bigger tingling sensation and a little moisture between her legs and the humming now grew more in her body as she saw these great scenes. She already knew from her last year experience that the second kick to a boy's testicles was much more painful than the first as her balls had swollen from the first kick and were now squeezed even tighter into the tight Speedo swim pants. And she also noticed that both boys would absolutely not expect the next kick, but then maybe the next one. Ok, Leonie and Sarah first told the boys that each of them would play the game with each of the boys, but with a look at the faces of these little girls she realized that both girls would not keep this promise and would follow with this new experience a third, fourth or fifth time for the boys before Sandra had to stop it. She didn't want to permanently harm her cousin's baby makers and she would also have to talk to Leonie and Sarah that they shouldn't be too hard on their brother in the next few weeks when they might want to be nephews or nieces later when they grow up.

But after today she knew very well that just for the 3-week camping holiday starting tomorrow, in which she unfortunately could not participate this year, a hard time for Niklas and Jakobs big eggs dawned.

.......to be continued

22 April 2017

Old rules of the south

Dad and I moved from Washington D.C. to Idaho in the summer I turned fourteen, and I started high school that fall. I had lived in D.C. all my life and wasn’t too happy about moving, but Mom had died the year before, Dad’s promotion in the Department of Energy was contingent on the transfer, and the street violence and racial unrest that were creeping into the capital city made it less appealing to live there.

It was quite a culture shock: I had never been out of D.C. except on short vacations to other cities, and I simply couldn’t imagine that there was this much undeveloped land anywhere. Also, my old school had been predominately black and I fit right in, but this school, prior to my arrival, was all white. Negros posted to and living at the nuclear facility came into town, but I was the only black kid in the high school and I felt like a leper. Most of the kids treated me all right or just ignored me, but I still had the N-bomb hurled at me now and then.

Also, there was me. My nuts had been down for almost two years and I had the same urges that all fourteen year old boys have. I’d had a girl friend in the eighth grade back in D.C., and although I was still a virgin I knew the passion of kissing and the thrill of exploring hands and the insistence of an erection and the need to jack off afterwards lest my balls explode. I could barely wait until high school, when I could apply some of what I’d learned, but instead I had been plunked down in the middle of NeoNaziLand.

The girls here acted friendly enough but I got the feeling that it was either the mystique of a black guy or to show everyone that they weren’t prejudiced, kind of a backlash for the shit going on down South. I did get as far as going to the Dairy Queen and sharing a booth seat and a little bit of footsy and hand holding with Anne, but that was it.

“Hey nigger,” The biggest of the four seniors said. My route home was a shortcut behind an empty warehouse, and they had apparently been waiting for me.

“You been sniffing around my sister?” I didn’t know any of the four guys, but I knew Anne didn’t have a brother. D.C. was a tough town, and I’d learned a little about diplomacy.

“I talk to Anne now and then,” I answered. “Is she your sister?”

“Don’t matter who’s sister she is. You don’t go touching her. Any nigger that touches a white girl should have his nuts cut off.”

“You know what Dad told me what they used to do to any nigger they catch messing with white girls?” Another boy spoke up with an accent that was pure Georgia redneck. “They brick him.”

“What’s that?” Anne’s self-appointed brother asked.

They hold him down, tie a shoelace around his nuts, pull up on it, take two bricks, and wham!” He said clapping his outstretched hands together. “No more messing with white girls, or black bitches either.”

“We ain’t got no bricks,” one of the other two seniors pointed out.

“Rocks would work just about as well.” The voice was from behind me; they had me surrounded.

“Let’s do it!”

“NO!” I screamed, and bolted. No one around could hear me, providing they even cared.

A few minutes later I was pinned to the ground, pants and skivvies down around my ankles.

“Jeez, what a hose!” One of the guys said. “He’s got you beat all to hell, Lew.” I was normal by black kid standards, which these guys knew nothing about.

“It’ll shrink up after we nut him,” someone said. “He won’t go stretching anyone, that’s for sure.”

“Give me his shoelace. Vance, go find some rocks.”

Although I tried to turn and deflect Lew’s hand, within seconds I felt it close around my balls, and then the awful pressure of a hard squeeze as my balls were forced away from my groin. I had taken and given pubescent nut grabs, but none had came with malice or threat of castration. “Wrap it around twice and tie it tight,” he ordered.

“Hey Lew, there’s no real rocks around here, just some little gravel.” Vance had returned empty handed.

“Then we’ll just have to do it the old fashioned way,” Lew said, extracting a jack knife from his pocket. “Better anyway. No chance of ‘em healing and regrowing.”

The shoelace had compressed my balls into a lump the size of a doorknob, and as I kicked and bucked and screamed like a mashed cat, Lew pushed the point of the knife into the compressed skin at the bottom of my ball sack, turned it sideways, and pulled, etching a deep, inch long scratch into the thin skin. “That ought to teach him,” Lew said, folding the knife and returning it to his pocket. “You ever touch another white girl, nigger, and I’ll finish the job. Hey, who farted?”

It wasn’t a fart; they had literally scared the shit out of me..

I sat there in my own shit, trying to pick the knot out of the shoelace to free my balls.

“Hey nigger.” I looked up just in time to see that Lew and Vance both had their dicks out, and before I could react both of their piss streams hit me in the face.

I stripped down in the garage and put my soiled clothes in the washer, then took a long hot shower to try and wash the stink and the shame from my body.

I was too scared and ashamed to admit to Dad what had happened, but I did tell him that I’d be a lot happier boarding with an aunt and finishing high school in D.C., but he wouldn’t hear of it.

“Be a man and make the best of it, Son,” he said. “Nobody ever has it easy.” No black ever has it easy is what he meant.

Before bed, I rummaged around and found the cheap switchblade knife that I had won from another kid in D.C. on a some kind of bet or dare. It was illegal in D.C. and probably here too, but I packed it everywhere I went for the next four years and swore to myself that the next guy that threatened me or my manhood was going to bleed.

A week later Lew blew through a stop sign and wedged his VW under a semi. The school declared a day of mourning for the star athlete, and cutting classes was allowed so classmates could attend the services. I paid my respects by pissing on his grave every night for the next year, hoping against hope that it would seep down six feet and find a crack in his coffin and slowly drip into his open mouth.

Vance’s luck ran out a week after he graduated in June. His summer employment was working on a haying crew, and on his second day on the job he was run over by the tractor he was supposed to be driving. Larry and Denny, the two seniors who had held me down for Lew and Vance, both went in the Army and settled elsewhere afterwards, and I never saw either again, but I hope like hell that they lost sleep waiting for my revenge.

I remained dateless all through high school, so it was to a prowling cougar twice my age that I finally lost my virginity. We sneaked around for a month until she finally dumped me for another high school junior.

I went to college in the East and Dad’s next promotion took him back to D.C., and I have never been back nor do I ever plan on returning to Idaho. There are some nice places there, but not where I lived.

16 March 2017

The Contest [Kidz]

Day 1
We walked into the house and Kevin gave me the signal to go to his room. I left my parents at the door, saying,” see u in a week”. I was at my friends house and his parents had left for the week. My parents were leaving for a business trip and I was staying at a friends house. As I walked into his room, he slammed a plastic sword into my nuts. While I groaned in pain, rolling on the floor, Kevin stood between my legs with one foot on my groin, daring me to fight back. After a few minutes of moaning I leaned back and mashed his balls into his pubic bone causing the 13 year old kid to fall back, clutching his nuts. I smiled and decided we were even.

Day 2
The next day, we decided to play a game. This game was based on fencing but with a punishment system and using some old metal broom handles. You were allowed to hit anywhere with the metal bar. and depending on where you hit the opponent, you would get a certain number of times to hit your opponents balls. The system was like this: hitting your opponents arm was worth one shot, hitting his foot was worth 3 seconds of doing whatever you want to him, hitting his ankle was worth 2 shot, hitting his thigh was worth 3 shots, hitting his hand was worth nothing, hitting his stomach to neck was worth 1 minute of whatever you wanted, and most painfully, hitting his genitals was worth 10 free shots at my crotch and an additional 15 minutes to do whatever you wanted. You could be as creative as you wanted and the other person is not allowed to resist by threat of castration. The only rules were no intentionally causing permanent damage allowed and no stratching/poking/etc the eyes. We began the contest to see who would give in first. I scored the first point as my aluminum stick slammed into his right arm, netting me one shot at his balls. I, being uncreative, simply ran up and kicked Kevin in the balls. He instantly curled up in a fetal position and moaned. He spent a few minutes whining before returning. We fought and I scored again, hitting his left ankle, scoring 2 shots at his balls. Now, I was getting creative and decided to try something new. Instead of just smashing his balls, I tried stretching them. The first shot, I tied a 5 pound weight to the base of his scrotum and dropped it as he stood on a chair. He kneeled over and frantically tried to untie the knot while I stood by, sadistically laughing and teasing, your balls are so tiny it can’t hurt that much. I was 14 and had gone through puberty and had a nice set of eggs with a 7 inch cock. He was the exact opposite with cherry sized balls and a one inch dick, barely even 2 inches when erect. For the second free shot, I decided to use his own weight against him. Using a giant Apple tree in the front yard, I gave him a front wedgie while pulling him forward resulting in his full body weight squishing his balls. His balls slipped out the sides of his tightie whities but I just pushed them right back in. It took him 5 minutes just to free himself from the wedgie and by the time he got loose, his balls and dick had swollen to twice their normal size. I stood below laughing and yelling up, your balls are finally 1/3 the size of mine you nutless baby. His fury at me must have helped him recover as the moment he got loose and pulled on his shorts, he snarled and told me to get my metal rod. He slashed furiously and his anger and determination slowly ate away at me and I kept backing up as I struggled to defend myself from his vicious onslaught. At last, he pinned me against the wall of his room and faking a swing at my head, swung his stick straight into my left nut, causing me to gasp in pain and horror as I realized what he had just earned- 10 free shots at my crotch and an additional 10 minutes to do whatever he wanted to me. I begged him to take it easy on me but I could tell from the his eyes that he wanted to see me suffer for insulting him. He decided to take 5 shots, torture me for 10 minutes , and then take 5 more shots. His first shot came as a surprise. He was helping me stand up after the nut crushing he had inflicted in the fencing match. As I slowly made my way up with my legs spread wide he suddenly stomped on my eggs, gaspedalling as hard as he could, yanking my legs up while grinding my jewels into the floor. As I struggled, he maliciously grinned, one down, 9 shots and 10 minutes to go. He eventually released me after what felt like an eternity but was actually just a few seconds. As I clutched my nuts with one hand and stood up, leaning against the wall, he helped me over to his bed before removing my protecting hand and slamming his sharp, angular knee into my already aching left nut, leaving me dry heaving, sprawled on the bed. Even though I was suffering badly, he showed no sign of backing off and instead stood over me laughing and saying, “who’s the weak girl now? I have 3 more shots before I start using my 10 minutes of free time.” I moaned at the thought of three more shots to my battered gonads and tried to plead for mercy. He swiftly silenced me, dropping his knee into my nuts and stripping my shorts and underwear away, leaving me naked and more vulnerable. He stared at my exposed balls and grabbed one in each hand exclaiming, “time to squeeze!” he began tightening his grip and pulverizing my nuts as i convulsed on the bed in terror for my family jewels. The pain was too great and i gratefully passed out. I woke when he splashed a cup of ice water on me and looked at me furiously, exclaiming, ” you hit me much harder and i never passed out you pathetic little girl.” he then declared, ” thus is the last time before i begin my first 10 minutes of torturing you. I looked down and saw my nutsack being bound by rubber bands, forcing my balls to the lowermost portion. I nervously asked, ” what is that for?” he smiled and said, ” i have been thinking about the genius way you bound my nuts to a weight and i have found an improved method of torturing you. ” I watched in horror as he bound the weight i had used on him to a string and then to the rubber bands constricting my balls. He had me lie down, face down on the grass under the tree. He threw the weight over a branch and pulled. The string tightened due to his weight and i was yanked up from the ground by my own balls and stood on tiptoes, straining to relieve the tension in the rope. I looked down and saw my constricted balls slowly slipping through the rubber bands before SNAP, my balls fell through and I fell to the ground in pain. He walked over and congratulated me on surviving the first quarter of my punishment. I weakly rolled my eyes and sarcastically moaned, “thanks”. He dragged me into his room and tied my arms and legs to the bedposts, spreading my legs wide open and leaving me open to his 10 minutes of torture. He sat down facing me, and slowly stripped both of us. He maliciously smiled and said, “your gonna be sorry for hitting me and calling me names u little girl” i gulped and begged, saying i didn’t mean any of it but he ignored me. He started the timer and began his torture. He placed a bucket under my genitals and got a cup of boiling water from the stove. I stared in horror as he peeled back my foreskin and began pouring it over my dick and balls. I screamed in pain as he spilled the burning hot fluid over my prized possessions, at least, until he stuffed his underwear into my mouth. The hot water wasn’t the worst part yet as he had another suprise- molten candlewax. He roughly grabbed my peeled dick and dunked it into a cup of molten wax. He did the same to my unshaven balls. After letting the wax solidify, he grapped and yanked it off, ripping of all my pubic hair and leaving my genitals red and raw from the heat. I thrashed in the bed yet could not get loose. As i watched him, he lifted a glass of clear cold fluid which i believed to be water. I sighed in relief, believing that he had finally had enough but little did i know that it was 99% rubbing alcohol. He slathered it on, rubbing it in every crevice and into my peehole and rectum. I writhed in pain as he added a layer of bengay and icyhot on top to increase the pain. My aroused cock felt as if it was burning and freezing at the same time and i convulsed as the feeling spread all around my groin. He stood aside and laughed at me, pointing at the timer which still read 6:42. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth, waiting for the next stage of my torture . When i opened my eyes again, he had stretched 3 rubber bands across the bedposts as a makeshift catapult and loaded a bunch of solid steel marbles into it. He smiled and said , ” ready, set, fire” and released the marbles. They slammed into my groin, some hitting my swollen balls and others pummeling my exposed dick. The initial pain had been nothing, compared to when I realized he had heated up the steel spheres with the stove and they were burning hot. I howled in pain and was relieved to find that his time had run out and he would only have 5 shots left. He took his last five shots rapidly, stomping on my balls 5 times in rapid succession so the pain from one shot barely had enough time to set in before the stomp came. I moaned in pain and quietly swore to get even. However, my efforts were futile as I was so weak I couldn’t stand up, much less challenge him to fight again. I slowly drifted off to sleep, cupping my injured balls and ego as I had been beaten by a kid 1 year younger than me.

Day 3
The next day, I felt better and the swelling in my testicles had gone down a little. I felt the need to repair my bruised ego by showing him who was really stronger and doesn’t need a lucky shot to win. As we ate breakfast, I casually moved my foot into striking position. He was sitting across from me when I smashed my foot between his spread legs, straight into his eggs. He groaned and spilled his breakfast all over himself. He was cleverer than I believed and faked his pain until I approached him wondering if he was OK and slapped my balls. We both fell to the floor and moaned. After recovering for a while, we decided to wrestle. We went to the basement and decided on the terms. It was going to be all free-for-all and anything was legal. The only time the match would end was if one of us fell unconscious or we both agreed on a winner. We were going to wrestle naked and the winner would get to decide what to do the next day. The match began and we circled each other, preparing to strike. He made the first move as he dived at my knees flipping me over and leaving sprawled on the floor. As he turned and jumped on me, I lifted my leg, squishing his balls under his own body weight. He was suspended on my leg for several seconds before rolling off to the side. I jumped up and continued to beat him when he was down. I kicked and punched every inch of him before placing one foot on his chest and asking, “do you resign” he moaned and declared, ” nope” and in one swift motion, sat up and grabbed my nut sack, yanking me onto the floor next to him and kneeling with one knee on each side of me, smiling as he squeezed my balls. I writhed in pain but was unable to get free as his legs were pinning my arms down. As he was leaning over me, kneading my balls, his dick brushed across my face and I opened my mouth and bit down as hard as I could on his circumcised dickhead, crushing it between my braces. He shrieked in agony, trying to stand up, resulting in even more agony as his two inch cock was stretched to the limit. I finally tired and let go, releasing his sore cock from my steely bite. He curled up, cupping his injured dick and swearing profusely as he attempted to make the pain away. I stood over him while protectively covering my balls, asking if he admitted defeat. Sobbing, he conceded and I left him recovering in the corner as I went to get myself a cool bottle of soda.

Day 4
I had spent the time thinking about what to do and I decided to publicly humiliate Kevin. I invited everyone from my class who could keep a secret to come over, guaranteeing them a good time. As they were coming over, I began preparing him for his public torture ritual. I tied Kevin by his wrists and ankles to the bed and waited for our classmates to arrive. The girls arrived first (Sarah, Rama, Panny, and Diba) and I let them sit in the living room, waiting for the other guys to arrive. A few minutes later, they arrived, Matthew, Billy, Nikhil, and Eric. Everyone stood and waited for me to tell them why they were there. I eagerly showed them to the room where Kevin was tied up naked and everyone began whispering at once. The girls giggled and whispered that his balls were so tiny while the guys just bragged about how their own manhood was so much larger. I called for attention and told everyone that we were going to have a contest to see who was the strongest and could cause him the most pain. Everyone was to be given 1 minute to do anything they wanted to his balls and then we would see who could inflict the most pain by seeing how long it took him to recover from each attack. The winning person would get to do whatever they wanted to anyone else there. I was the judge and the girls were the jury and we would oversee the competition and make sure it was fair, at least, for Matthew, Billy, Nikhil, and Eric. I stood aside and watches the abuse begin as he looked at me with pleading eyes. Matthew was up first. He is a 13 year old Asian who is about 4’2″ and is not particularly athletic but is still relatively fit. Matthew’s weapon of choice was a large book which he opened and slammed on Kevin’s genitals, jumping on the cover and shifting his weight around until his one minute was up. Kevin had began screaming even before Matthew slammed the book on his balls and his voice steadily rose until he sounded just like a little girl. After the one minute was up, Kevin moaned and strained at his ropes for 12 minutes and 50 seconds before recovering. However, his torture had just began as Billy was up next. Billy is a American American who is about 4’6″ which dark brown hair and a muscular body. He was a soccer player and had strong legs. He’s decided to do what he did best- kick balls. He ran up and kicked as if he was scoring a goal, punting Kevin’s balls into his throat. Kevin’s attempts to soften the blows were futile as Billy’s cleated foot swung into his exposed genitals, leaving small, red welts where the sharp points struck. Billy repeatedly kicked, dead-on every time and left Kevin thrashing in agony and throwing up at the end of the minute. Kevin continued to suffer for 17 minutes and 20 seconds before he recovered enough to continue. The last two contestants were Nikhil and Eric. Nikhil is an all-around athlete who played every sport the school offered. He is 4’4″ with blonde hair and brown eyes. His method was the most unique as he decided to use a piece of string and the it around the base of Kevin’s dick. He then pulled, stretching Kevin’s dick to 3 times its normal length before tying it to a door and then repeating the process with Kevin’s sack. He then slammed the door, nearly neutering Kevin for life. He grinned and stepped back, confident that Eric could not out do him. It took Kevin 23 minutes just to stop crying and another 3 to stop his high pitched begging. Nikhil was the current leader, holding the amazingly high record of 26 minutes and 24 seconds. Kevin believed that he had gone through the worst but he had underestimated Eric. Though only 4 3’9″, Eric was a strong water polo player and was a fierce rival of Nikhil’s. Eric was determined not to lose to him and began his onslaught. He started with a vicious knee to the groin before changing to a Russian gas pedal and mashing Kevin’s balls into pulp. Eric finished with an uppercut to Kevin’s nut sack and a vicious testicular claw, causing Kevin to pass out for half an hour. The jury and I declared Eric the winner and Nikhil sulked in a corner, calling Eric a whiny bitch. Eric smiled and decided to punish Nikhil as his reward for winning. Nikhil stammered as he had seen what Eric was capable of and wanted a fair fight instead of being bound. Eric looked at me and said, ” Why not? That pathetic loser can’t beat me in a fair fight anyways.” I complied and freed Kevin so we could all watch Eric and Nikhil fight. However, the girls had secret plans as they had been turned on by the nut crushing we had given to Kevin. They planned to try it themselves on all of the guys and had divided us up based on abilities. Panny would take Kevin and Matthew, Diba would take Billy and me, Sarah would get Nikhil and Rama would take on Eric. We had just sat down when the attacks began. In Panny’s corner, she had just weakened Kevin and Matthew with a knee to their crotches and was now squeezing Matthew’s balls. Kevin had already fallen down as his balls were already weakened and painful. Panny’s grip tightened and Matthew sank to the ground, moaning. Kevin attempted to stand up and attack Panny but she deftly lifted her barefoot into his groin, crushing his balls with her toes. She turned her attention back to Matthew who she had released and saw him attempting to run away upstairs. Panny deftly tripped him and placed him with his legs spread on the rail of the staircase, crushing his balls under his own wright as he slid down, falling onto Kevin’s curled up body. Panny proudly stripped them and stood with one foot on each boys jewels, grinning at her victory over them. She looked across the room to see how Diba was doing. The 13 year old Indian girl had started by grabbing both Billy and my balls and stretching them as far as she could. Billy and I were both sitting on the floor with our legs spread as Diba pulled up with all her might. We were both in extreme pain and desperately needed a way to escape. We turned and grabbed her legs out from under her and she let go of our boys to break her fall. We both leapt up and struggled to restrain her. I was grabbing her hands and Billy was squatting on her thigh. I saw the dangerous position he was in but my warning came too late. Diba lifted her foot, brushing against Billy’s balls before kicking forward and catching her foot in his shorts. Her foot found their way to his balls before pushing up and squishing his balls against his pubic bone and lifting him up by his balls. He squirmed in midair before falling to the side. Diba’s legs were free and she lifted them, catching me on the side of my head and causing me to release her. She forced me over to Billy and grabbed the front of our underwear, compressing our balls against our own body and rendering us frozen and unable to move. She hung us, one at a time on the hat stand, and we could not get free and were forced to bear the pain of having our balls crushed by a frontal wedgie. Meanwhile, Sarah was in trouble. Sarah had attempted to kick Nikhil in the balls but was too slow. Nikhil had seen her moving and dodged her foot. He had tackled her and managed to tie her hands so she could not move. Nikhil was standing over her, telling her how weak and pathetic girls were when Panny came to the rescue. She was watching everyone as she had easily finished off Kevin and Matthew who were both losing prostrate and in excruciating pain. Panny snuck up behind Nikhil and swung her knee into his sack causing him to double over in pain. She went over to Sarah and freed her before going back to her prisoners. Sarah was enraged at being taken and wanted blood. She dragged Nikhil to the table and repeatedly pulled his balls into the table leg. 1…2…3…4…5… before he passed out. Sarah was still furious and continued to knee the unconscious boy. When she finally stopped, Nikhil had regained consciousness and was moaning in pain and powerless to fight back. Sarah stood up and watched Rama. Rama had always wanted to hurt a boys jewels but had never had a chance. Now, she had an opportunity bit she was afraid that she could not win against Eric. Eric was the strongest boy and also had the largest balls. Rama’s first move was to knee him. As he doubled over, he furiously cursed and fought back. He punched and knocked over Rama and proceeded to tying her up. Eric then went on the help the other boys. It took all the girls to finally subdue him. Eric was kicked in the nuts by the girls 12 times barefoot and 4 times in high heels before he fell down and it took them 10 more minutes of stomping and kneeing to immobilize him. The girls had won and left the beaten boys emasculated and beaten in the house to recover. As they left, they laughed and said, ” We should do this again sometime.” the boys were too weak to even reply. That night all of them staggered home except me, Kevin (who was staying for the week) and Eric (who had gotten a twisted testicle and had to be rushed to the ER. The story we agreed on is that he had a biking accident as we were too ashamed to tell the truth- we had been beaten up by girls. Kevin and I crawled to bed and fell asleep.

Day 5
I woke to a loud scream, “why the hell did you invite those ballbusting bitches here?” I stammered and struggled to get away but suddenly felt Kevin’s knee plowing into my balls. Yesterday’s events came back to me and I remembered Diba’s painful assault and how Kevin and Matthew had both been owned by Panny. She had started with a knee to their crotches and was now squeezing Matthew’s balls. Kevin had already fallen down as his balls were already weakened and painful from the competition. Panny’s grip tightened and Matthew sank to the ground, moaning. Kevin attempted to stand up and attack Panny but she deftly lifted her barefoot into his groin, crushing his balls with her toes. She turned her attention back to Matthew who she had released and saw him attempting to run away upstairs. Panny deftly tripped him and placed him with his legs spread on the rail of the staircase, crushing his balls under his own wright as he slid down, falling onto Kevin’s curled up body. Panny proudly stripped them and stood with one foot on each boys jewels, grinning at her victory over them. Kevin was also recalling the boys defeat and agreed on a temporary truth until they could get revenge on the girls. As they were making plans, the other boys called and agreed to help with the plan. The only boy who didnt come was Billy. They agreed to meet the next day and carry out their scheme.

Day 6
Matthew stood alone at the park, waiting. We had all agreed to make him bait to lure out the girls one at a time. The boys hid, waiting for Sarah, their first target. Sarah walked near, completely unaware of our trap. Matthew had lured her out by calling and asking her to meet him as he had something he wanted to give her. As she walked close, Kevin ran out from behind a bush and talked her from behind. She fell, screaming, and struggled to turn over. Kevin was on top her with his knees pinning down her legs and his hands restraining hers. Sarah struggled yet was unable to get free until Matthew came closer and Kevin looked up, distracted. Sarah summoned all her energy and flipped Kevin on his back. She crawled to him and thrust her knee into his groin 3 times in a row. She jumped up and quickly elbowed Matthew’s jewels. As he bent over she pushed him over and stomped with her high heels. Then she gave one final kick to Kevin and Matthew, ensuring they were out for the count. The other guys, Eric, Nikhil, Billy, and me, were watching and decided to go help Matthew and Kevin. They were losing there, moaning in pain and Sarah was standing over them, daring them to fight when we emerged from our hiding places. She heard us coming and knew something was wrong. Before any of us could react, she had reached into Kevin and Matthews underwear and pulled out their balls. She loudly announced that if we attacked her, she would pop their testicles. Everyone looked to me for what to do. I stood, frozen and unable to make a decision. Kevin and Matthew stared at me, pleading for their balls. However, I decided to go ahead and attack, believing we could take her before she could castrate both of them. She saw my signal and announced, “wrong decision”. She began squeezing all 4 testicles. Luckily, it only took us a few seconds to reach her but she had nearly ruptured Matthew’s testicles. We all dived at her and managed to tie her to the tree and gag her. Then, we proceeded to capturing the other girls. Our next victim was Panny. Panny was the girl who beat up Matthew and Kevin and was best at kneeing people in the groin. We all knew this from the previous day and decided on a new strategy. This time, we ambushed her as she was walking to Diba’s house. As we jumped out at her, we all made sure to cover our crotches with one of our hands. We managed to subdue Panny with minimal pain. The only casualty was when Nikhil jumped, her knees were angled perfectly and had caused one of his testicles to return into the cavity. It took him 5 minutes of rolling on the sidewalk adjusting his half empty nut sack for it to descend with a soft plop and extreme pain. Aside from this, everyone’s jewels survived. We had 2 more girls to take down. Our next target was Diba but due to an unfortunate coincidence, she was with Rama and we could not figure out a way to separate them. We had no choice but to fight them both at the same time. Matthew, Nikhil, and I were going to restrain Diba, the soccer star while Eric and Kevin were targeting Rama. As we snuck up behind the gossiping girls, Rama heard Kevin and Eric behind her and she screamed. They reacted instantly and attacked. Kevin went high to restrain her hands and Eric went below to knock her over and immobilize her feet. As Kevin dived at her, she ducked and reached out with her left hand, grabbing hold of his sack through his nylon shorts. His momentum propelled him forward while her strong grip clenched his balls, stretching them until he fell, begging for her to let go. Eric had dived at her knees and knocked her over. She fell, face down, landing with her muscular thighs around Erics neck. As she held him still and sat on his head she reached down, grabbing hold of his aching jewels and pulled, stretching his nutsack and wedging the skin into his buttcrack. Any movement he made increased the pain and he curled there, unable to move. Kevin was still moaning from her claw and she walked over and barefoot, kicked him in the nuts. As he curled up she stuck her foot into his shorts and found his battered balls. She stood on one heel and spun around, mashing his balls into the ground. Then, she proceeded to mutilate his cock with her toes. She pinched the base between her toes and stomped until it filled with blood and swelled up. Finally, she walked back to Eric who was still bent over, attempting to free his balls from his butt crack. As she approached, he froze and pleaded. He had seen what she did to Kevin and begged for mercy. She ignored him and repeated the process. Both boys passed out and didn’t see anything else. During this fight, Matthew, Nikhil, and I were battling Diba. Diba was a soccer star with incredibly strong legs and was fast. She reacted with lightening speed, thrusting her barefoot into my sack even before I saw her move. Her powerful legs smashed into my balls, lifting me up until I crumpled into a sobbing mass. She did the same to Matthew whose balls had already been bruised that day. Nikhil was too fast for her and she missed. She slipped and fell onto her back. As Nikhil crouched over her, telling her how boys are stronger, Rama snuck up. I saw her approach and tried to warn Nikhil but all that came out was, “My balls you bitch”. Rama tapped on his shoulder and as he turned around in surprise, swung her foot into his balls, and stomping on them as he fell over. Diba and Rama kicked Nikhil one last time before tying him up. That was the last thing I saw before I fell unconscious. Day 7( final day) I woke up to a wave of cold water and saw Diba and Rama waking all the other boys up the same way. We had all been taken prisoner. We were in a small, dark basement and we were all bound with thick ropes. Our hands were tied to a pole and we were all naked. After everyone was awake, Diba yelled, “Shut up and listen. We know you took Sarah and Panny and we want them back. There are 5 of you here. I want you to tell me where they are and the one who tells me will be allowed to keep his manhood. All others will be castrated.” At this point, she raised a hammer to show us she was serious. After she made this announcement, Matthew was the first to give. He instantly told our captors that they were tied up at the park. He double crossed us and asked to be set free. Diba looked at Rama and decided to go make sure Sarah and Panny were there before making a decision. After they left, we all angrily accused Matthew of betraying us but he just shrugged and said, “Tough luck”. Half an hour later, the girls returned with Sarah and Panny and they had a quiet discussion. They announced, ” you boys are weak and pathetic. You aren’t even loyal to each other! If there’s one thing we hate more than a dirty fighter, it is a traitor. We had a vote and we have decided to castrate Matthew for betraying His friends. ” I looked at the guys and we all stared at Matthew who tried to talk his way out of it. We were all furious at him but still, we had to feel sorry for him. The girls weren’t even going to be merciful and just castrate him. In fact, they had a show planned and wanted to torture him first. They forced us to watch as they thought of creative ways to injure his manhood. The first method was crude yet painful. They put a metal pole inbetween his legs and slowly lifted until his full weight was on it. As he struggled to fall off, they attached weights to his legs and forced him to sit on his balls for 5 whole minutes. We were wincing at the thought but Kevin made the mistake of closing his eyes and refusing to watch. The girls untied him and forced him to stand beside Matthew until they could think of a way to punish both of them. Their first solution was to make a seesaw and force them to stand, legs spread over the two ends. Then, they counted down and let one jump on at a time, swinging the plank of wood into the others balls. By the time the girls got tired of this, both boys had been struck over 10 times. Kevin suffered the most as Matthew weighed more and his weight added to the speed of the board. Their torture was not over yet as the girls had one final idea. They attached aluminum foil to their dicks and another piece to their balls. They clipped on wires and connected it to a twelve volt battery. Any slight movement in either boy would trigger the circuit for 50 seconds of pain. Matthew moved first and the circuit activated, electrocuting both his and Kevin’s balls. After 50 seconds of agony, both boys slumped over and were trying to stay still but a bead of sweat fell onto Kevin’s aluminum and the circuit activated. The situation just got worse as neither boy was able to control their spasms and it turned into a continuous flow of current through their testicles. They passes out within seconds of each other and the girls tied them back up. They left to decide what to do next. A hour later, they returned and announced a contest. Out of the 5 of us, 3 would be tortured, 1 would be spared, and 1 would be castrated. They untied us and told us, “The first one to reach the top of the stairs will be spared while the last one left will be castrated by the first. The other three will be tortured for different amounts of time depending on in what order you emerge.” After this announcement, they carried in a table with 1 taser on it. Sarah clarified that the taser had been specially modified so they only worked on the testicles and dick. They removed everything else and lined us up on the wall. Diba was on the staircase near the door when she announced, “GO”. Everyone leaped for the taser as it was the most useful weapon in the room. As we scrambled to get the taser, Nikhil was the most brutal. He kicked, kneed, squeezed and stomped on everyone’s balls to get to it. He grabbed it and began stunning people. He stabbed the taser into Eric’s crotch as Eric was his most formidable enemy. The taser heads went into his sack and sparks shot off, leaving Eric stunned and gasping for air. The smell of burning flesh filled the room as Nikhil struggled up the stairs. Halfway up, Kevin grabbed Nikhil’s ankles and dragged him down, keeping him from getting up. Nikhil pushed the taser into Kevins groin yet nothing happened. It turned out that the taser short-circuited on Eric, giving a much larger shock than usual and rendering itself useless. Even so, Kevin was seriously outmached by the tall, strong, athletic blonde haired boy. Nikhil, recovered from the fall and stood up, kicking Kevin in the crotch, full power. His naked foot plunged into Kevins manhood and Kevin fell back onto Erics moaning body. Nikhil was about to finish Kevin off with a pulverizing stomp when he saw Matthew sneaking up the stairs. He screamed, “Not so fast” and grabbed Matthew, putting him in a headlock while punching his balls. When he finally released Matthew, Matthews nads had turned purple and swollen up even larger than before. Nikhil was beginning to tire and slowly staggered up, one step at a time. By this time, Eric had recovered and I teamed up with him to stop Nikhil. I grabbed Nikhils left foot and Eric grabbed his right. We lifted and planted him on the staircase railing with his full wright and oilurs crushing his balls. We slid him down and gave him a kick for good luck. I congratulated Eric and shook his hand but before I even finished, he grabbed my hand and pulled before thrusting his knee into my crotch. I doubled over in pain as he climbed up the staircase. When eric was one foot away from the door, Kevin reached up and grabbed Eric’s sweaty dick, pulling down and holding on while falling down the staircase. The landed in a jumbled heap and continued to struggle. This was the perfect time for me to escape but I stayed behind to get even with Eric. Eric and Kevin were wrestling on the floor and both had their foot in the others crotch. Kevin was losing as Eric was stronger and had more leverage. Just as Kevin gave in, I interfered in and stepped on Eric’s balls i jumped up and down on them but was unable to destroy them. Nikhil came and helped me. We lifted Eric onto the starecase and wedged his thighs into the poles supporting the stairs. We went to the other side and pulled, trapping his legs and crushing his balls at the same time. This time, i didn’t fall into the same trap and struck first, kicking Nikhil in the balls before he could do the same to me. I went around the room, gaspedaling Kevin, Matthew, and Nikhil so I wouldn’t be surprised. I didn’t do the same to Eric as he was unable to move anything but his head. I used a vicious form of gaspedalling where i would grab the victims legs, use my heel to crush their balls and my toenails to scratch their peephole. I staggered up the staircase and was the first to make it out. After I escaped the girls went inside and lined everyone up against the wall for the second part of the tournament.

Day 7 (final part)
I sat upstairs with the girls, watching the second half of the contest. The 4 boys left in the room were Eric, Nikhil, Kevin, and Matthew. After lining everyone up and waking everyone with a bucket of cold water, the girls left the room and announced that the rules are the same. The only difference is that everyone has been given a drug to keep them from falling unconscious from the pain so there is no relief. Diba left the room last and called out, “FIGHT!”. This round, Eric reacted first. He spun around and launched his foot into Nikhil’s groin, following up with a knee. Nikhil fell to the floor and Eric continued, dropping a knee on Nikhil’s nuts and mashing them into the floor. Nikhil lay there, helpless as Eric tried to destroy his manhood. Nikhil couldn’t even pass out and felt every painful moment. Meanwhile, Matthew was fighting with Kevin. Kevin had begun sprinting for the stairs when Matthew tripped him. As Kevin fell, he grabbed Matthew’s sack, determined to take him down with him. As they wrestled, both boys gaspedalled the others naked balls. Kevin succumbed first and let go, struggling to fight back. As Kevin crawled away, his balls dangling, Matrhew ran up and kicked Kevins eggs, causing Kevin to curl up, unable to move. As Matthew sprinted to the staircase, Eric followed, determined to escape before Matthew. As Matthew ascended the stairs, Eric grabbed Matthews arm and pulled him down. Matthew landed knee first on Erics left testicle. Eric shuddered but continued to fight, grabbing Matthews legs and slamming his balls into the staircase railing. After Matthew began dry heaving on the floor, Eric finally.released him and ran up the staircase. Eric made it out 2nd and would not be castrated. Nikhil, Kevin, and Matthew recovered at the same time and they all stood. Through a subtle glance, Kevin and Matthew agreed to team up on Nikhil. This truce could not last long as the boy that got out of the room first would be tortured less, however, they both agrees that anything was better than castration. Kevin was the bait as he sprinted for the stairs. Nikhil chased after him, turning his back on Matthew. Matthew sprung into action and kicked Nikhil in the nuts. Nikhil fell to his knees in shock and Kevin turned and followed up with a swift knee to the groin. Nikhil fell over, facedown. As a result of the girls drugs, Nikhil could not fall unconscious and had to be restrained by Kevin and Matthew. Their solution was to trap Nikhil between the railing and the table. The girls had left a table inside from the first round. Matthew and Kevin lifted Nikhil onto the stair railing and placed him with his legs spread across the bar. Then they placed the table on Nikhil’s back, immobilizing him and trapping his nuts under him. After making sure Nikhil couldn’t escape, Matthew broke the truce. Matthew attempted to kick Kevin in the balls bur missed, slipping and falling on his back. Kevin reacted instantly and stomped on Matthews nuts. Kevin squatted down over Matthews legs to pound his balls bur with a burst of power, Matthews legs shot up, one leg hitting each of Kevins testicles. Kevin crumpled and hit the floor moaning in agony. However, Matthew continued to attack and spread Kevins legs and kneed Kevin over and over until Kevin dick began to bleed. Matthew left Kevin, curled up on the basement floor and went up the stairs. 10 minutes later, Kevin staggered up the stairs, leaving Nikhil trapped inside. The contest was over. I was the first one out and was spared. All I had to do is castrate Nikhil and i would not be tortured! Eric was the second one out and would go through the first 2 stages of torture, Matthew was the third one out and would go through the first 3 stages of torture, Kevin was the fourth one out and would go through the first 4 stages, and finally, Nikhil was last and would be castrated by me. What i did not know was everyone would be forced to watch Eric, Matthew, and Kevin be tortured. The first stage of torture was a plank. The boys were forced to spread their legs over an wooden plank and the girls would lift and shake and move the board with the boys straddling it. All the boys were were forced to straddle the board for 5 minutes. The next stage of torture was paddling. The boys were tied up and they were forced to get hardons. The girls forced them to paddle each others balls. If a person hit the others balls hard enough that they would swing into their dick, the hitter would get to skip being hit. Actualling hitting hard enough to achieve this was impossible but it didn’t stop them from trying. They kept hitting each other with increasing force until the 5 minutes were up. At this point, Eric was allowed to leave and only Matthew and Kevin had to continue their torture. The next stage involved weights. Weights were tied to each boys sack and they were forced to stand still with their backs straight. Any sign of bending over to relieve the pain would result in more weights being added. After 5 minutes of this, Matthew was allowed to leave and only Kevin was left. The last stage of torture was just a beating. Kevin was tied up and the girls took turns kneeing him amd kicking him in the balls barefoot. Sarah was the most creative as she used her toes to tease a hard-om before she kicked, instantly removing the erection. The last thing left was for me to castrate Nikhil. Afterwards, we could all leave this hellhole. It was now that i learned i wouldn’t be given any instruments and had to do it in a fair fight. I think of myself as pretty strong but Nikhil was a true athlete who was twice as strong as me. The girls laughed and told “me that as long as one of you is castrated, we don’t care who it is!” they shoved me into the room with Nikhil. Both of us were naked and had nothing with us. Nikhil was looking at ms angrily, as if he was daring me to castrate him. There was a sudden click and the room began filling with water once the water was about 5 feet deep, it stopped. Apparently, I was supposed to fight Nikhil in the water. We were both treading water and I made the first move. Diving below the surface, I swam closer and grabbed hold of his naked sack. I firmly grabbed and began squeezing. Nikhil started thrashing and by luck, his knee slammed right into my jewels, making me let go. As I struggled to swim he chased me and dunked me underwater. He wrapped his strong legs around the front of my neck, forcing me underwater. As I sank, I opened my mouth and bit down on his sack. I felt a crunch as his left testicle ruptured, releasing a milky fluid. He howled in pain and fell off me, crying, “you, you broke my balls!” I swam forward and grabbed his remaining testicle, determined to end this. He sucumbed to the pain and was unable to fight me off. After a loud crunch, I swam to the staircase and left. The next day, my parents returned home and all evidence was gone. However, Nikhil’s voice is now an octave higher.

20 February 2017

The new boy

The summer ended and we were now in the eight grade. Tod was a new boy in our class. Good looking, and he knew it. I thought it only fair to warn him about the ball busting tradition among the "gentler sex” of the school, but when I tried he blew me off with a haughty “Later, Dude.”

That afternoon I saw him out on the school lawn talking with three girls, all of whom were death to unguarded nuts. But they were coming on to him in a way that made Tod think he was hot shit. I wanted to see what would happen so I sat on a bench nearby pretending to read my Gender Studies text book.

Somehow one of the girls was bragging that she was stronger than Tod and could prove it. She had him stand face to face with her, and hold her by each wrist, arms raised high. The idea was to see whether he could pull her arms down.

“Wait a minute,” she said. “This will only be fair if we’re the same height, so you have to spread your feet apart.” I could see what was coming. You will notice that when your legs are spread your balls are much more vulnerable to a kick, knee, or punch because the girl can really get under them. And that’s just what happened.

While Tod was looking up at the girl’s hands, she let him have it with a ball-crushing knee. The superior expression on his face changed to horror, and he fell to his knees. The three girs thought this was hilarious, of course, and mocked poor Tod without mercy– “See, you guys aren’t so tough, are you?” and various comments about his groveling on the grass (“Dont get any dog crap on yourself!”) and his vulnerable testicles (He’s got glass balls!).

Soon they walked away, still giggling. Tod remained on his knees, and while I have seen many busts I have never seen the victim break into tears, but that’s what Tod did. Pain, humiliation, or both?